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vitrsna (498) wrote the following
about Conoclinium coelestinum on May 14 2015

This is the first year I've grown this wildflower in my zone 11 butterfly garden. I didn't have to cut it back or trim it because the slugs did it for me. It started to bloom before reaching full height. A neighbor found the plant growing wild near Colima and brought a cutting which failed to root. I found seeds for this Conoclinium online and may be a different species than the ones growing wild here. While my neighbor was holding the Mistflower he had found, a Monarch Queen butterfly flew into the patio area and started to nectar on it. There were many other nectar plants blooming in the garden at the time, but the Queen made a beeline for the Mistflower. I am hoping this will be a popular nectar plant in the garden. I also have some just getting started in a container on the patio where the slugs would not dare to go.

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Frank (2698)