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Valkyrie (93) wrote the following
about Chlorophytum comosum on Jul 09 2009

The spider plant produces rosettes of arching, grass like leaves and long, hanging flower stems with white flowers. There are many variations to the thickness of the leaves. Plantlets develop on the hanging stems and give the plant its common names. The most common variety has apple-green leaves striped in white, but there is also an all-green version.

Mine turns all green in the winter but as soon as I put it outside in the summer I get the white stripe. I give mine high sun with afternoon shade and it does great. I water two or three times a week in the summer, but in winter I let it dry out a bit then put it in the tub and saturate it until the water runs out about once a week.

Repot when necessary; the thick roots of the spider plant quickly fill all available space.

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