Christmas cactus, soft leaves

Discussion in 'Houseplants' started by member21145, Aug 24, 2015.

  1. member21145

    member21145 Guest

    Aug 24, 2015
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    I have a 35 year old Christmas cactus that I just repotted into a slightly smaller pot (mostly for depth, not much in width) I used cactus soil. The plant is soft and droopy. I've had to move it three times in the last 8 months because of house relocations and some of the leaves have fallen off (hence the smaller pot) and now I'm worried its dying. It used to be so full and firm. What is the ideal setting? How can u firm up the leaves again? What kind of plant food can I use for it? Currently I have purchased Miracle Grow succulent plant food but in not sure it's right.

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  3. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    It's Schlumbergera truncata. What did the roots look like when you repotted? Does this pot have a hole in the bottom? Shriveling/wilting is a sign moisture isn't getting to the foliage, so either the roots have gotten so dry that they shriveled up, or they have rotted from being moist while no oxygen is available. Which sounds more likely to you?

    The info here is excellent:
    Frank likes this.
  4. member21145

    member21145 Guest

    Aug 24, 2015
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    i have always used the cactus soil and they say it draws the water away so as not to drown the roots, I am going to go with its too dry. Should I repot into regular soil or just water more frequently? I used to have it in my house inside an air conditioned area but in sunlight, now i am at a friend's and it is in a florida room with no a/c but lots of sun. should i bring it inside again?
  5. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Drying often is great, I'd choose to water more frequently if your schedule will allow. Soil that dries more slowly would have increased risk of causing roots to rot (usually referred to as overwatering.) As a jungle epiphyte, it should prefer warm, humid air, unless it's well above 90 consistently. The brighter the shade, the better, but probably won't like sun shining directly on it except very early or late in the day.

  6. member21145

    member21145 Guest

    Aug 24, 2015
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    The room faces south but has glass all around so it gets mid day to late day sun. I just hope that the leaves will come back. This plant was my Mom's pride and joy and I really don't want to lose it. Do you suggest using Miracle Grow succulent plant food?
  7. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    I currently have three Christmas cacti, and am trying to give one away--those little devils grow fast, don't they? The smallest one got soft, limp leaves that looked a bit disiccated, and by Jove, they were! The potting soil I had it in got wet on the top 1/2", and the rest of the water just ran down inside of the pot. I could lift the entire plant with its soil out of the pot.
    I changed the soil to something more absorbent (Miracle Grow potting soil sans fertilizer) and it perked up within a week.
    If your CC is stressed, don't fertilize now. It needs to recover before it gets fertilizer. By the way, I've never fertilized mine, hoping that would slow down the growth--I'd hate to think what my three CCs would look like if they were fed:drool:!
    Frank likes this.
  8. member21145

    member21145 Guest

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Thank you to everyone for your suggestions. I re-potted the plant again into Miracle Grow soil and I think I placed it into the pot in a better position. I pinched off the wilted and dead leaves, so hopefully all of this will help. This is an image of her today. Please let me know if you think I need to add more soil to the top.....I do, but what do I know o_O

    When I lived in Texas she was in a full sun window but inside in the a/c. She would flower from November to April, full flowers! I would fertilize her once ever year or so and she was very happy. Since I have been out of work and traveling around the country looking for jobs, she has been ok, but not the same (it seems like she has a permanent seat in the car). While I was in Florida at my daughter's, it was very dark and I think that's where the problems began. She was my Mom's plant and when my Mom passed she told me "you better take care of that plant" so, since she not has the upper hand, I have to take care of this Honestly, it is the only plant that has lived for me so I am sure she has something to do with it :)
    Thank you for the soil suggestion, I hope it's the magic trick she needs

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    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 28, 2015
  9. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Opp, AL, 8b
    How is your plant doing now?
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2016
  10. member21145

    member21145 Guest

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Not sure to be honest, after I changed the soil she got gnats and then I change the soil again now she has more Gnats. From all the moving in and out of cars and into different places on my travels around the country looking for a job, she has lost a few of her leaves, some of them the very thick ones and that concerns me
    Thanks for checking in on her, I really appreciate it
    purpleinopp likes this.
  11. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Still alive sounds promising! if you soak mosquito dunks in the water you give your plant, that should kill the gnat larvae and break the cycle.

    'Tis the season for buds to form. More hours of dark than light and temps below 85 are what causes the buds to form. The link I pasted before goes into more detail.

    Did you find a job?
  12. member21145

    member21145 Guest

    Aug 24, 2015
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    I tried the dish soap and water, and the peroxide and water, and nothing is working. I have a feeling I'm going to be changing soil yet again on this 65 pound beast of a pot. What are mosquito dunks?
    Thank you so much for asking but I have not found a job yet, I have traveled all over this country for the past 20 months. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
    purpleinopp likes this.
  13. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Mosquito dunks are bacillus thuringiensis, which are sold as "donuts" at big box stores. It is a bacteria which attacks mosquitoes, gnats, and other damp-loving insects. We put 1/4 donut in each of our 55 gal. water barrels, and a whole one in the 250 gal. water cubes. I'd think about an 1/8 of a donut crushed and spread on the cactus' soil, then watered in would take care of the gnat problem without having to change the soil again.
    About the job search--there are lots of companies hiring here in Texas (they complain about a lack of qualified applicants). Here is a site that may be of help to you:
    You have lived in Texas, so you are familiar with the climate, housing costs, and other conditions. I wish you the best of luck, and if we can be of further help in your search, please ask.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2016
    purpleinopp likes this.
  14. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Opp, AL, 8b
    Well said. I know 2 recent college graduates who are having an awful time finding jobs. It's a tight "job market" out there! Good luck in your searching!
  15. member21145

    member21145 Guest

    Aug 24, 2015
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    Thank you to you both for the good wishes, and thank you for the link Marlin. I have used that link numerous times, but it was a great reminder to go check it again :)
    I was just south of Austin, are you in that area as well? I would love to go back to TX, but honestly I would really love to head more north this time. Waco, Dallas, Arlington maybe. I have no idea where I will end up, but hopefully its a little warmer than
    I will go check out the local Home Depot to see if they have the Mosquito dunks. I am so sad that this plant is taking such a beating. I attached two pictures. One of it prior to the traveling and one just taken this week. My heart breaks for it.

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  16. member21145

    member21145 Guest

    Aug 24, 2015
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    I was able to find the mosquito dunks. Did exactly as it said and the bugs are still there. Is it possible it's the pot? I used to have it in a pedestal pot and now it's in a regular one. Is it possible that it's just not draining and it's giving them a breeding ground?

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