Ginger bug trouble

Discussion in 'Recipes and Cooking' started by Saproxylic, May 16, 2017.

  1. Saproxylic

    Saproxylic New Seed

    Sep 2, 2016
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    Latvia (Northeast Europe)
    I decided to start a ginger bug to make some home fermented sodas. I'm not at total fermntation noob, I do make kvass (local bread based sparkling fermented beverage, fermented with yeast) every summer, but I really wanted something fruitier and with less tendency to go boozy, so my next bet was ginger bug.

    I followed the regular method (2 cups water, 2tbsp grated ginger, 2tbsp white sugar) and kept adding 1 tbsp of ginger and 1 tbsp of sugar daily. Around day three there was a nice fizz and it started tasting sour, but in days 4-5 it went flatter and flatter.

    I read somewhere that the first fizz is usually the neutral pH loving bacteria, and as the pH falls down to reasonably acidic, only then the acidophylic lactic acid fermenters start to establish, but when around day 6 it was still flat and the jar was super full, I split it in half, and decided to try to kickstart one half with a dash of fresh whey (which is supposed to be full of lactobacilli, the good guys) Now at day 9 both jars are totally flat.

    Suspected culprits
    a) irradiated ginger, as I used the regular ginger from the produce isle
    b)metal spoon (I didn't feel sure that my wooden utensils were hygienic enough, and thought that stainless steel shouldn't leech any ions in the short time it contacted the slurry, I might be wrong though)
    c)it's too cold, the ambient temperature is about 16-18 degrees Celsius in my kitchen, and even lower in the rest of the house. No way to heat it up until the weather gets warmer.

    Any tips from the fermentation pros here?

    Should I better thy whey fermented soda, or does this mean I have an unlucky hand in fermentation and should just buy cans of soda instead?
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  3. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    What is a ginger bug ? Is it like a ginger beer? My thoughts would be the temperature is the problem. How cold is that fahrenheit ? What water are you using ?
    Another problem could be that you are adding too much sugar. The bacteria need time to convert the sugar before you add more.
    Last edited: May 18, 2017
    Saproxylic likes this.
  4. Saproxylic

    Saproxylic New Seed

    Sep 2, 2016
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    Latvia (Northeast Europe)
    I think the temperature was the culprit, as both bugs suddenly got really active yesterday, as the warm and humid weather started. I have made a wort, and will start my ginger ale tomorrow morning, as they are building up a nice, bubbly fizz.

    Anyhow, I'm so happy that Buggy and Buggy Jr are fermenting away!

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