How to use organic fertilizer on house plants

Discussion in 'Organic Gardening' started by Kurite, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. Kurite

    Kurite New Seed

    Aug 15, 2009
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    Hi I have an all purpose organic fertilizer. It says use 3 oz per gallon of water. This would be fine for outdoor usage but what about houseplants? For my aloe vera i soak it until it comes out the drainage hole, but wont that add to much fertilizer? Also what about other general houseplants?
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    I believe that with most houseplants you need to find out what the fertilization requirements are for each one and feed accordingly. Some you will feed every week, two weeks, three months or never, etc. And those requirements will generally tell you what strength to give them.

    I recently read that Aloe very rarely needs feeding, just a few times in summer during the growing season and even then with a very weak solution.
  4. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    All of my houseplants are planted in high quality houseplant mix initially or when moving up to a slightly larger sized pot. There is some slow release fertilizer in the potting mix that does a great job :setc_015: .

    I always use half strength or less of what is recommended on the fertilizer container, and only fertilize only during the growing season (spring/summer for me) once a month for plants that have not been repotted in the last year. :stew1:

    I am guessing you are asking about fertilizer because you want your plants to thrive and get as big and as beautiful as possible. I believe if you want good growth for house plants it is most important to always keep them slightly-to-a-lot pot-bound. Most all house plants need roots to be tight in a pot for good top growth. My experiences have been a house plant in too large a pot slows its growth and leads to problems like improper watering. The rule is never to move a plant up to a pot size that is more than one inch larger diameter.

    I have never fed either of my varieties of aloe. They don't seem to need it and are very prolific or big (depends on the variety). Sunlight or lack of it seems to affect growth on succulents more than anything else. :-D Sunlight is also the determining factor for leaf size in philodendrons and some other similar houseplants.

    The methods I mentioned above has made it possible to propragate and divide all of my house plants (about 20 different types: from my Paphiopedilum "Lady Slippers" orchids to Spathiphyllum "Peace Lily" and lots of succulents. :D) and make me a plague to friends who don't want "another" houseplant.:shrug:

    Happy gardening ;)

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