Pottery and Porcelain.

Discussion in 'Hobbies and Crafts' started by Sydney Smith, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    You have some really lovely pieces Syd. When did you first start collecting them all? Which are your favourites? I like the little figurine of the girl with the flowers and bird as well as your pretty teapots.
  2. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi Eileen. Thanks for that and thanks again for your help with this posting misunderstanding I have.
    I have been collecting P and P now for over 20 years and maybe more but it I fell in love with it and really got the bug. Always on the lookout and hunting around and though Blue and White of any type was the main aim I bought anything I fell for and that covered a wide field for sure. In addition to sound items much of what I bought was damaged with anything to a single small chip or in several (or many) pieces - it brings the price way down. As I have said beforevalue is of no interest to me, I love it for itself and to display and look at. Over and above that I found I wanted to know as much about it all as I possibly could and did very much reading and studying to this end. Have a really good collection of books and can spend hours searching trying to identify a particular piece. Far more of it is unmarked than marked but comparisons (Millers Antique books excellent for this)and keeping a shar[p eye open in Antique shops often gave the clue - also it is possible sometimes to find the details from a pattern number on an item.
    Always very very happy to natter about this and equally always very very happy to answer any questions ref items if I can. I have several Marks books so will always look for info and details if asked - will do my best but will only be quoting books. Thanks for your interest. Syd.
  3. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    Hi all! I just caught up with this thread! Lovely pieces displayed here.

    Sydney--I enjoyed seeing your extensive collection. Impressive. the Willow wear is so pretty & so are the oriental pieces. I also enjoyed your cups & saucers.

    Philip--your Willow wear & blue glass is lovely. I wish I could show you my collection of glass vases in various colors. I put flowers in them and place them on the window sills so the sun shines through.

    AA--Your pieces are so pretty.

    MG--Your pottery is fascinating, as is your description of how they were used.

    I inherited a formal china set from my grandmother. It is Rosenthal, The Dresden. She had a starter set, then continued collecting pieces. My aunt did the same, and now I am as well. Unfortunately I cannot upload photos to this site, or I would show you. Some of them bear the inscription 'Bavaria' on the back, some 'War zone', some 'Germany' as they were collected over time.

    Here is a link to a site that sells pieces of this pattern: http://www.replacements.com/webquote/R__DRE.htm I don't buy from that site, (too expensive), I collect them from consignment shops & yard sales.
  4. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi CM. So good to hear from you and to resume our most pleasurable (as with all posters) "chats" and "natters" this description depending on what side of the "Pond" we are on. Ref the Rosenthal Pottery/Porcelain I have one or two pieces tucked away somewhere and very good indeed they are. As for Meissen well oh that I could afford it whether old (preferably) or new - I am however familiar with it and know having read about it the Potteries history very well right from the beginning. This Topic and its subject means much to me and I would love to see it keep going since it is so very interesting. Thanks to all and have more pics to send. Syd.

  5. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi all. More of my collecting. Thats about it for now - there is more but these though interesting are only smallish items such as much of that in the cabinets I showed.
    Ref the little "Crinoline Lady" figure this is a plaster cast. The two pics of the small white porcelain jug show the result of a friend going to pottery classes part of which was hand painting the floral pattern onto this "raw" jug - then having it glazed. She did it for relatives - 1980. Syd.
    Edit. Sorry I repeated one plate - got the wrong one I intended.
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    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )
  6. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    Hu Syd---Very pretty pottery & porcelain. I particularly like photo #8. What is it?
  7. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi CM. Glad yourself and the other folk that commented like my bits and pieces - I love 'em all to bits. The hobby has given me so much pleasure over the years - its packed full of "I want to knows" and most interesting to research it to attempt to find the answers - more often than not though theres a lot left in the unknown.
    The items you asked about are made by Minton and my guess is that they may well be small (barely 4 inches dia) pin dishes or similar from a dressing table set. They are Bone China and are marked thus denoting a 20th Cent date - early 1950's at a guess. Most of my items are 19th Cent but do extend into the 20th - if I like them is what really matters.
    Ref the Rosenthal porcelain you mentioned I have a couple of superb plates tucked away somewhere - pure white with just a minimum of central floral pattern and I think beaded edges - yours sounds great. I would like also if poss to hear about the couple of Blue and White items you mentioned first off when you showed your brown glazed wares.
    I am adding just a couple more pics I missed sending. Best wishes. Syd.

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

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    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )
  8. Donna S

    Donna S Hardy Maple

    Feb 15, 2010
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    My collections. I have too many to post them all. Most are family heirlooms. And came from my great grandmother. I have more toys packed away.

    ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )

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    Emmett Kelly figurines. ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )

    ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )

    Antique toys ( photo / image / picture from Donna S's Garden )
    Jewell and AAnightowl like this.
  9. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi all. AN APOLOGY. No harm done at all but an apology for an error I have made in my last post whilst talking to CM about her Pottery. I asked for info on the two pieces of blue and white she mentioned whilst showing us pics of her Brown Glazed ware. That is the error - it was actually Jane (Marlingardener) who showed the Brown ware and mentioned the blue and white. Again my apologies for the error - think (I know) I must be getting a touch of Spring Fever already.
    Jane. Would of course still like to see the blue and white items. Thank you both. Syd.
  10. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi Donna. A really interesting display and variety there and thanks for sharing with us - the fact a lot of it is family heirlooms adds very much more to it all coming as it does from loved family/relatives. We ourselves have quite a few heirlooms - glassware and pottery amongst other things including furniture - these also are much loved.
    Ref toys my wife at 81 years still has two of her large china Dolls she had as a child.
    Thanks again. Syd.
  11. AAnightowl

    AAnightowl Young Pine

    Apr 29, 2011
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    ALL the pottery collections are so lovely. I don't know how you all have so much room for your collections. Likely you have larger homes than mine.
    I enjoy all of them.

    Syd, could your smallish dishes be butter pat dishes? I have a couple of butter pat dishes, they are not in great shape, but I keep them with my doll dishes to protect them. Once upon a time when dinners were a bit more formal, they served butter pats on individual dishes. Just a thought. I will try to get a picture of my doll dish collection. A few are the same pattern as ones I had as a young girl.

    Another idea would be coasters for cold drinks, if they are too big for butter pat dishes.
  12. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi AA - all. Yes you may very well be correct since they would fit that bill perfectly - my idea about their use was only a guess knowing they did have pin trays on the older Dressing Table Sets - wife also thought they might be porcelain "coasters". Can correctly date them 20th Cent and from the backmark early Fifties. What I will do is improve on my guess and look in my books for identical items. Agreed it is so nice and so very interesting to see all the collections with lots of great items - am hoping there will be more including those you have mentioned - could happily look at it all for hours. I sent my items individually ref their size and the better to show the patterns. Have sent all I really can though there's more but as an afterthought remembered a few very pretty Dutch plates I have - my son who lives there used to give me a plate each year at Xmas - and another though coming from Holland is a bit of a mystery (will describe it thus) and perhaps someone will have some ideas as to its origins - think it is Dutch but it does have a certain "eastern" look about the pattern/shape. Pics attached - the mystery plate being last showing front and back markings.

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    The mystery plate- back. ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )
  13. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    Hi AA. Ref the "Butter Pat Dish or Coasters" you were absolutely spot on in both cases. I looked up Minton Butter Pat Dishes on Ebay and found some for sale therein. I found one in there described as a "Butter Pat Dish - Coaster" with exactly the same pattern. Ten out of ten you get there. Syd.
  14. chocolate

    chocolate In Flower

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Thankyou S. for explaining how crockery was 'fixed' in the earlier days.I have one as well and could never work out how that could be fixed so well and of course'what for?'
    I like to think it was a treasured piece and a loving husband fixed it to make his wife happy.
    Now I know thankyou.
    Mine has five staples but only showing two on the front...how clever is that?

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    Amongst my collection I have a lithopane piece, made in Japan usually for royalty etc. which means the emperor will be pleased when he finishes his tea.

    Looks just ordinary ( photo / image / picture from chocolate's Garden )

    In the bottom of the cup is a geisha girl,seen when cup is empty ( photo / image / picture from chocolate's Garden )
  15. Sydney Smith

    Sydney Smith In Flower

    Nov 16, 2013
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    HI chocolate. A very clever thing that repairing method but whether it was OK for holding hot food/liquids etc I know not. Your idea of the loving husband repairing it for he's wife can easily still apply i.e. a loving husband had it repaired for he's wife.
    A most interesting subject altogether this P and P - do you have any other items we could see please.
    I will actually add a pic here to this and its ref heirlooms which were mentioned in a collection a shortwhile ago in this topic. These are a pair of vases which belonged to my now gone mother in law on her wedding day in 1931. Have some more pics to send later. Syd.

    ( photo / image / picture from Sydney Smith's Garden )

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