Question about clipping my leaves off of my veggies after the hail storm

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by Sharalyn Anderson, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. Sharalyn Anderson

    Sharalyn Anderson New Seed

    Jun 27, 2015
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    So, if you were able to read my post about the hail storm we had and the damage it did to my garden, I wanted to give you guys an update on my garden and to ask a couple more questions.

    First of all, within a day or so, all of my plants fluffed back up and looking good minus some leaves.
    My tomatoes were not damaged at all really, it was mostly my mesclun, green beans and cucumbers that got the brunt of it. I did what you guys suggested and went out the very next day and clipped all the leaves that were damaged or had several holes and left the branch that healed the leaves so they wouldn't get diseases etc. Here is where my questions come in:

    Within a week after, I noticed where I cut them, the branch is white at the end and almost shriveled.It isn't bent or ruined in anyway, it is just cleanly cut off and white. Is this a normal process of healing?.

    Also, when you say they will grow more leaves, exactly where do they do that usually because so far I am not seeing any new growth at all. Will it grow out of the branch that I cut the leaf off of or Where exactly?.

    Thank you guys.
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  3. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Sharalyn, the whitening is like a scab, except it doesn't fall off. New leaves may come from the main stem, or from new growth at ground level, or even along the old branch that had damaged leaves. The mesclun will come from the ground, the beans will likely put out new leaves from the main stem after branching out a bit. I don't know about the cucumbers because I plant the vining type, but there are also bush types and their growth habits are different.
    Sharalyn Anderson likes this.
  4. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Like MG said,, most vegetables do not necessarily replace leaves,, they just continue to grow and make new ones. And those can be anywhere on the plant.
    Sharalyn Anderson likes this.
  5. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    give them time. They will grow new leaves or stems, but it takes a few weeks for that to happen. The beans will be the most unlikely to recover new leaves, but they will survive. It just may take more time to make new beans than if the leaves hadn't been ruined. I have deer eating mine off and it is infuriating because I need my beans for farmers markets and it takes much longer to make beans to pick with fewer leaves. The cukes will regrow like weeds most likely. just give them time.
  6. Sharalyn Anderson

    Sharalyn Anderson New Seed

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Thank you guys. I appreciate your replies.

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