Seedlings and Light...

Discussion in 'Herb Gardening' started by Jigs Gaton, Dec 16, 2018.

  1. Jigs Gaton

    Jigs Gaton New Seed

    Dec 4, 2018
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    Kathmandu Nepal
    Hi all, I've got a garden project going here (seed bed for herb garden), and granted, I don't really know what I am doing, but I can make things look good:


    So I understand sprouting seeds in paper towels (check) and putting in nice seedling soil (check) and I made these self-watering units from plastic pop bottles (check) BUT now my question is with heat and light:

    Do home LED bulbs/lamps do anything to help? I understand the science (I think) but there is so much conflicting info on the web regarding this (mainly written by stoners) that I'm confused. Do I need to get a "grow lamp?" Hope not, as I live in Nepal, and most everything here has to be a "make do" or DYI. I do have a lot of sun here (thank god, as we have no other heat source), so there's always a window... but I was wondering, will it speed things up with indoor LED light?

    And what about heat...not much around, but perhaps it's all relative... our forecast for the foreseeable future is highs of 18c and lows of 4c. Inside of the house, it's a few degrees warmer!

    BTW and OT, I used to sell seeds when I was a kid... we ordered them via Superman or Archie comic books and then went door-to-door to sell. I have to admit (and I've never said publicaly before), the scheme ended badly when my pal and I did not return the money to the seed company, but instead bought stuff with the revenue and our share of the profits. Happily, both of us felt bad about that, and we went on to live otherwise crime-free lives. Is there anyone else here that did that? Ha!

    Bhaisepati Jigs
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2018
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  3. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Ha ! No but that was likely because I didn`t think of it ! All I saw was sea monkeys for sale and other things I couldn`t afford !!
    Now to the seedlings ,, what did you plant ?
    Jigs Gaton likes this.
  4. Jigs Gaton

    Jigs Gaton New Seed

    Dec 4, 2018
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    Kathmandu Nepal
    Lol. Our plan was to use the seed profits to order the sea monkey but instead we used all the money to buy fireworks and then we blow up our model airplanes.

    Back to seedlings: basically I want to have all of this
    This for my other new hobby, cooking.

    Thx for any advice in advance!
  5. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Lol. Our plan was to use the seed profits to order the sea monkey but instead we used all the money to buy fireworks and then we blow up our model airplanes.

    Ah Ha !! My aunt and uncle had a fireworks stand in my front yard ! We got them at cost ! My cousin and I stuck them in ant hills and blew them up ! Not my model airplanes ! I worked hard on those !
  6. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    Surely you do not need all of the herbs on that page ! Many are the same plants just different names ! Organic seeds are the same seed just supposedly without bug sprays ect being used on them ! Bugs rarely hit herbs so why buy them ? The curly parsley has little flavor and is rarely used in cooking ! Its mostly to garnish a plate with so I wouldn`t buy it if it were me ! Thyme, oregano, chives, flat leaf Italian parsley, and sweet basil with maybe one or two of the flavored types would be good ! Sage is a perennial so it would be good if you use it !

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