Transplanting Roses in Three Easy Steps

Discussion in 'Useful Articles' started by Frank, Feb 1, 2009.

  1. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Transplanting Roses in Three Easy Steps by Anya Richfield

    Most gardeners count their roses among their most prized possessions. We plant them with care, tend them diligently, and enjoy their beauty as they flourish in our gardens. However, there may come a time when we need to move our roses, so it's important to know how to do so properly so. If we stick to the following simple procedure, the process of transplanting will not harm your roses or stunt their growth.

    When to transplant

    The first step in transplanting roses is deciding exactly when you are going to do it. Although there may be times whenever it is necessary for you to transplant your roses on the spur of the moment, it is usually a good idea to wait until the rose is dormant.

    Even when it is the perfect time of year, you may want to wait until a day that is overcast and a little cool with a promise of rain in the forecast. When all of these conditions come together, it is one of the best times transplanting roses.

    Prepare the ground

    Now comes the time when you're actually going to be transplanting the rose bush from one location to another. Make sure that you have a new area prepared in advance so that the rose does not spend any unnecessary time outside of the ground.

    Dig an area around the rose bush approximately 12 inches so that you're not in danger of touching the root ball with a spade. Make sure that you dig down about 15 inches. Carefully lift the root ball out of the ground, making sure that you don't lift by the stalk of the bush.

    Finish the process

    Finally, you want to move the bush to the new area and place it into the hole you prepared in advance. Begin to back fill the hole until you have used roughly one half of the soil and then water it thoroughly. Continue to water as you add the remaining soil and give it a thorough drenching in order to remove any air pockets that could lead to root rot.

    That really is all that there is to transplanting roses. If you plan in advance and really take care to treat them properly, your roses should thrive in the new location.

    About The Author:

    Are you still anxious about pruning or transplanting your roses? If you want to know more about caring for your roses, head over to my blog at

    Article Source:
    eileen likes this.
  2. mcrandi

    mcrandi New Seed

    Mar 29, 2009
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    i am a rose planter, good article for beginners
  3. wilsonmian

    wilsonmian Seedling

    Aug 26, 2008
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    Hey Frank,
    thanks for the stuff, its prove really helpful for me.
  4. gardengater

    gardengater Young Pine

    May 30, 2008
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    Good advice, Frank. I may be doing this soon.
  5. fani

    fani New Seed

    Aug 4, 2009
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    thanks for sharing such a wonderful steps, it really works well for me.

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