strangest rose I've ever seen

Discussion in 'Trees, Shrubs and Roses' started by StillPinkie, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. StillPinkie

    StillPinkie New Seed

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Panama City, Fl
    Im not real sure whats going on with it but I can tell you that its very hardy. I dont think you can kill this rose.

    I had mentioned before that it looked it had suckers growing off the bottom. Well yesterday I was planting the new roses and decided to dig the old on up and move it to get more sun (and to see that the hell was going on with all the stuff growing out of the ground.)

    Well I had 4 shocks when I dug it up.

    1) The ground was bone dry...and I do mean dry.

    2)The rootstock knot was about 2 inches under the ground and all the roots from the rootstock wasnt there...the rootstock is dead.

    3) All the roots are growing off from above the rootstock and theres not many.

    4) When I got her dug up, I pulled about a 2 foot section out of the ground and found that it was coming directly out of the knot on the rootstock (where the new rose is transplanted on to the rootstock) It was growing about 2 feet to the left and at the very end of it was a new rose bush starting ot come up. It was healthy and had to tall stalks on it that mom mistakened for wayward branches and tied to the trellis.

    Then at the bottom of the new lil roses roots was another long (about 6 inch) root coming out with a lil green on the tip...I think it was trying to put out a new bush.

    So I dug it out, cut the new bush off with a good potion of the 2 foot root, cut the newest growth off and planted it in a pot so I can keep a eye on it.

    Any ideas out there?

    This is the oddest thing Ive ever seen a rose do.

    :stew2: Pinkie :stew1:
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I can only guess that the rose that was used as the root stock for grafting a different variety on to is a very virulent species. It must have put out suckers underground that made their way towards the light. This would make them appear as though they were new rose bushes. I'd be interested to see what colour of roses these suckers produce compared to the grafted on ones.
  4. StillPinkie

    StillPinkie New Seed

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Panama City, Fl
    Oh no, its a new rose bush. It has its own root ball.

    Mom and I decided to move the big one to a back corner in the backyard where the fences come together and just let her go wild cuz ya cant kill her. lol
  5. Joan

    Joan Seedling

    Jun 19, 2007
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    Well, to me it just sounds like your rose is a good survivor and doing what roses do to propagate themselves. I think your cutting away the new growth and potting it up is going to give you another vigorous rose plant. :stew1:

    It does sound like the original roots died. You haven't said anything to indicate whether the original rose was grafted or not, but it sounds like the new roots and new shoots are probably the same as the original top growth, If that is so, then the roses you get should be the same. Only if it had been grafted and the grafted on rootstock put up its own shoots would you expect a new kind of rose.

    Regardless, it sounds like it was good that you planted the original rose deep enough for it to put out new roots from above, as that seems to be what is not only sustaining your original rose but is giving you new growth---making new plants.

    Do you know what kind of rose it is? General type? Cultivar?

    Regarding the dry soil--I became a much more successful rose grower when I acknowledged that roses like a lot more water and fertilizer than I had previously dreamed they wanted. I used to not even like roses much because I saw so many of them that were scraggly and barely bloomed. Now I know that they were just not getting what they really needed. And now I bow down to a good, healthy rose.
  6. StillPinkie

    StillPinkie New Seed

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Panama City, Fl
    I cant tell you much about the orginal rose. It was here when my mom bought the place. It was found growing in a dead bush so I dug her up and moved her.

    To answer you question about the graft, yes it was grafted. Thats what I was talking about when I was talking about the rootstock.

    The whole "graft" is dead....from the knot down. Theres roots coming up from above the graft.

    I do know the rose is pink. Thats all mom can tell me about it. Not a dark pink, not a lite pink, not pink with white stripes...just pink. LOL.

    Im going to move her to a lone corner of the back yard at the fence line and let her go nuts.

    As Im watching her starting to grow, Im thinking shes a rambler.

    And the lil bush I cut off her (with its own roots) just put out new leaves so its doing good too.

    Is there such thing as an invasive rose? I cant have too many of this size rose in the yards...its not that big of a

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