What plants did you propagate this year?

Discussion in 'Seed Starting / Propagation' started by purpleinopp, Oct 18, 2012.

  1. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Opp, AL, 8b
    I have yet to experience that, Sj, but next year I should have some 'clean' plants to sample! TY for that. IDK why people just disregard the as weeds here. But that's the same as so many plants that are edible.

    Cheryl, I was told the Kal babies would be a huge problem too but the cold killed all of the ones outside weeks ago, even in a pot I put a sheet over. (As if a sheet can do much when it's 14 degrees.) Have you been spared from the excessively cold temps? I can't grow the babies as fast as people want them in trade.

    Good vibes to your cutting! Yes it counts. If you get bored, how 'bout a pic?
    Philip Nulty likes this.
  2. Donna S

    Donna S Hardy Maple

    Feb 15, 2010
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    Help. It's only 18f outside. I want to go out there and cut a few things to propagate. Will it hurt the plants to cut them in this cold?
    Philip Nulty likes this.
  3. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Sorry I wasn't on forums over the weekend. Donna, what plants? Unless they're evergreen, I wouldn't have much hope, but that's not based on experience, just instinct.
    Philip Nulty likes this.
  4. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Some succulents that need a spot in a pot after callousing overnight.

    Succulent cuttings. ( photo / image / picture from purpleinopp's Garden )
    Philip Nulty, Frank and Jewell like this.

  5. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    I like all the different shapes. What are the long ones? They look very familiar.
    Philip Nulty likes this.
  6. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Sorry, I don't usually put pics w/o labels, don't know why I did that. Upper left, Schlumbergera truncata (Thanksgiving cactus.) Upper right, IDK, Epiphyllum has been suggested. Bottom left, Aloe of unknown species. The zigzag ones are Selenecerius anthonyanus (or whatever name is in fashion today) I think.

    The original cuttings (got in the mail in trade) all took root so easily, so I thought I might as well do another 'round to get a patch of each going, not just singles.

    The long Aloe I decided to cut because it was obvious it would never be able to pull itself back up, was dangling from a pot in a downward angle. It's been bugging me but that was the only way it would stay in a pot in the shape it was in, if that makes sense.

    I would like to have some big ol' plants, but I keep cutting them up to make more. Luckily this syndrome only applies to house plants... or the yard would look pretty funny by now, like Gulliver's travels!
    Philip Nulty and 2ofus like this.
  7. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Donna, most cuttings are taken when the plant is starting growth (nutrients moving up, leaves beginning to photosynthesize) or at the very end of the growing season (second year growth, semi-hardwood cuttings that will over-winter and then start to root).
    Now is not the time. Wait until you get back from vacation, keep an eye on the plants you want to propagate, and when they start to show any small signs of growth, take cuttings.
    Houseplants like Jewell's cacti can be propagated at almost any time of the year, since they are pretty much always in a growth mode.
    This time of year we all want to see something growing!
    Philip Nulty and purpleinopp like this.
  8. Jadenz

    Jadenz Seedling

    May 8, 2013
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    OK, USA
    This year I'm propagating Giant Aloe plants. I have two of them and they sent up pups. :D
    Philip Nulty and purpleinopp like this.
  9. kate

    kate In Flower

    Oct 8, 2009
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    Bit excited today,

    I planted Geranium seeds from Plant World Seeds two weeks ago.


    But then I got to thinking these take a while maybe they are dead.

    It could also be a Basjoo Banana seedling I soaked and planted last week along with the Geranium seed...

    Philip Nulty and purpleinopp like this.
  10. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    How are things going with stuff mentioned before?

    In a fit of unbridled enthusiasm, last year I'd stuck some cuttings in pots that ended up being in more sun than some of them would prefer. Except for the Kalanchoe pieces, that's what these cuttings are, some sunburns. Cut off at the soil surface to be stuck in more appropriate, less baking-in-the-sun pots.

    Succulent cuttings callousing before propagation. ( photo / image / picture from purpleinopp's Garden )

    Hope the red piece is still OK. It was green when I got it. The 2 damaged-looking Kal leaves I took off of a plant just 'cuz they were ugly. Leaving them sit here to see if they make roots and/or plantlets...

    Succulent cuttings callousing before propagation. ( photo / image / picture from purpleinopp's Garden )

    Also recently noticed a lucky bamboo (Dracaena braunii/sanderiana) planted in a pot making new growth from the roots. So I cut that off and stuck the top in another pot. It was about to need to be staked, so I was so glad to see the new tip starting. Didn't take a pic of it, but it looks a bit wilty. Don't think I've seen a Drac cutting do that before. Hopefully it didn't get some kind of pathogen that's making it ill. In a week or 2, it will either be perked up or turned brown...
    Philip Nulty likes this.
  11. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    I didn't really intend to propagate Wafer Ash trees (ptelea trifoliata) but four of them came up under one of our trees. Since we have three wafers already, I managed to find the seedlings homes.
    I have Mexican oregano aka lippia graveolens (hopefully) rooting in a perlite/vermiculite mix in the barn.
    Philip Nulty likes this.
  12. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Opp, AL, 8b
    Here's some of my latest propagational exploits, a few pics from the past couple weeks...

    This pic shows 2 baby Gardenias I propagated & moved to this new spot where I dug up some grass a couple months ago. There's also a pineapple top that seems to have taken root. If it's still alive when frost threatens, I'll scoop it up to come inside.
    2015-05-29 002.JPG

    Some new baby succulents. (Remove healthy leaf from mama plant, put in bright spot until roots show, lay on soil surface.) Graptoveria & Sedeveria.
    2015-05-28 022.JPG

    Baby Hydrangea propagated over winter 13/14, moved to this spot in April 14. Now blooming!
    2015-05-24 004.JPG

    A Begonia cutting starting to grow some new leaves/branches.
    2015-05-19 032.JPG

    Cutting off the top/tip of something doesn't just result in 2 where there was only 1. After being beheaded, this Kalanchoe (lavender scallops, K. fedtschenkoi) stem soon started a new branch at every node (leaf connection spot.) From 2 diff angles:
    2015-05-05 013.JPG 2015-05-12 014.JPG

    A pot of mostly Kalanchoe blossfeldiana cuttings put together in October, now blooming:
    2015-05-05 011.JPG

    Filled this old grill with some dirt & snips'n'snaps of about 10 diff plants, a couple weeks ago.
    2015-05-26 009.JPG

    What have you been busy propagating?
    Philip Nulty, Henry Johnson and Frank like this.
  13. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Opp, AL, 8b
    What a cane-type Begonia stump looks like soon after recent pruning to take cuttings. New growth:
    2015-07-02 012.JPG

    Doesn't look like much yet, but this is a new spot I'm working on. It was grass last year. There's spiderwort & about 4 other kinds of Tradescantia here, and some Callisias. Next summer, it should be quite a sight & shouldn't need any maintenance except to pull tree sprouts out once a year, finish the border so grass doesn't come back. Once I get some babies going, I plan to add 2-3 Hydrangeas too.
    2015-07-02 006.JPG

    Cut about a dozen 18 inch or so pieces of Gardenia last weekend. They're looking great. I put some right in the ground in blazing sun, and a few in a pot in the shade to compare how things go. Didn't take a pic of those.

    What are you propagating?
    Philip Nulty likes this.
  14. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Opp, AL, 8b
    The Gardenias from that batch didn't work. I think it was way too hot... :*(

    Here's what the Tradescantia/Callisia spot looks like now:
    2015-09-12 002.JPG

    Everything stuck in the holes in the sides of these pots is new from the past few weeks. This spring, I pulled everything out of those side holes and put it in the ground. Now it's time to take cuttings again to save inside for winter... Sad that winter is approaching, but doing the cuttings is so fun to me.
    2015-09-19 041.JPG
    2015-09-19 013.JPG
    2015-09-19 050.JPG
    2015-09-19 031.JPG
    2015-09-19 035.JPG
    kate and Philip Nulty like this.
  15. kate

    kate In Flower

    Oct 8, 2009
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    Just germinated Evening Primrose seeds.

    These are tall with bright yellow flowers.
    Philip Nulty and purpleinopp like this.

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