My Superells Are Dying! :(

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by Mosie721, Jun 24, 2019.

  1. Mosie721

    Mosie721 New Seed

    Jun 24, 2019
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    My name is Rose, I live on Long Island, NY and I am new to this site.

    I joined because I’m not the best gardener, but I try very hard, and want my yard to look nice.

    Every year, I buy (expensive!) hanging baskets for my porch, and every year, no matter what flower(s) I have, they die! I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.

    This year I bought superbells, because I was told they are easy to care for. They get south sun exposer for half of the day, and then are in shade because they are on my porch. I’ve been letting them dry out a little (because I heard they don’t like too much water). When I water them, the water doesn’t spill over the top, it runs out of the drainage hole at the bottom. I use PW plant food (like miracle grow) once a week.

    I noticed 2 weeks ago that the leaves were wilting (even though the soil was moist) and had yellow spots. I took pics and went to a local nursery for help. They said looks like fungus (I thought spider mites, but nothing was on the back of the leaves). They gave me a spray to cover both fungus and the spider mites, as well as other things. I used the spray, the plants never got better, and now they are dead.

    I don’t know where I went wrong!
    Why can’t I get hanging baskets to thrive all year???

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Here are pics of the leaves that I showed my local nursery.

    Attached Files:

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  3. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Hi Rosie and welcome to the forum.

    I grow baskets to sell so I have a bit of experience here. yours does look like a fungal issue but the watering part I am thinking could be part of you struggle year after year. Always check the soil before watering especially if it is wilted and wet. Sometimes plants wilt a bit from the heat and sun. they are trying to limit their leaf exposure to the heat and sunlight. in that case move the basket to a bit of shade and let it recover. don't water it then. let it use the moisture in the pot first. I use a brand similar to miracle grow so I don't think that is your problem if you are following directions.

    humidity can foster fungal issues too. cold and humid or hot and humid. doesn't matter. it can still happen. and water first thing in the day. not at night.

    spray the plant early in the day first with a stiff spray of water if you have a hose with a nozzle. not hard enough to damage the plant but hard enough to "give it a bath" wash off any spores that could have set on the plant overnight. you can do this often. if you need to spray with a fungicide follow the bath with the fungicide and let it dry. thrim the plant back if it is getting leggy.

    hope some of these tips help.
  4. Mosie721

    Mosie721 New Seed

    Jun 24, 2019
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    Thank you so much, Carolyn!
    I will definitely try those tips.
    I’m going today to get new hanging baskets!

    NARVIYATS New Seed

    Jul 25, 2019
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    This year I bought superbells, because I was told they are easy to care for. They get south sun exposer for half of the day, and then are in shade because they are on my porch. I’ve been letting them dry out a little (because I heard they don’t like too much water). When I water them, the water doesn’t spill over the top, it runs out of the drainage hole at the bottom. I use PW plant food (like miracle grow) once a week.

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