Discussion in 'Garden Design' started by Doghouse Riley, Apr 8, 2020.

  1. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    "Just like Fairyland"

    Not really, you could call it a bit over the top, if they were on very often and anyone else saw it. But they aren't and few do.
    I just like the fact that "they're available." Sadly, because of her disabilities, my wife now rarely goes into the garden, but she can see it all from her chair in the lounge. So no more sitting outside on warm summer evenings...well rarely.








    If asked I usually say, "We don't very often turn them on as the neighbours complain they make the street lights dim."
    "Mission Control" is in the garage. So it's all safe.

  2. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    I wouldn't complain if they were turned on occasionally here - especially on long winter evenings.
  3. DianneWoollie

    DianneWoollie In Flower

    Mar 12, 2021
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    South of Deux Sevres
    We have some old lights around the wooden pond..shame about the green water though..
    pump is always on..Our other moulded pond with Lonesome is clear as day...
    eileen likes this.
  4. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    The lights in our two lanterns are recycled pool ones we had in our first pond in the seventies. Still going strong!
    I'd had a concrete raft laid to support a crazy terrazo patio I put down, then built on it a brick quadrant to contain a pre-formed pool.


    All this went when I built this eighteen inch deep goldfish pond and changed everything to crazy York stone, before this in turn became a five feet deep koi pool, just a year later, which is now our "rose patio."
    the trellis, top right corner hid a bit of a dumping ground, which a couple of years later became the site of our tea-house.

    eileen likes this.

  5. DianneWoollie

    DianneWoollie In Flower

    Mar 12, 2021
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    South of Deux Sevres
    Certainly a beautiful Garden, all the changes you have made for different reasons, but the memories of say the Koi pond are not taken away.. I am a water babe as the saying goes..One of my past nicknames was Hose..haha..miss the coast very much for the effects of the sea, but living in land here because the cost of property with a decent size plot was beyond our means down Royan way....Our Adjoined Barn has the original floor stones down that look towards old york stones, but obviously not, built in 1801, no damp course but the barn is completely cool and dry .
    So you kept the small pond?
    eileen likes this.
  6. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    I built the little "frog pond" next to the koi pool, to give them somewhere for their spawn, it wouldn't survive in the big pool.

    This is "Fiona our fox" drinking from it, in 2019. She had a litter of six cubs under our tea-house in 2019.


    But that's a whole different story. A lot of the photos I've since deleted from IMGBB

    Frank, DianneWoollie and eileen like this.
  7. DianneWoollie

    DianneWoollie In Flower

    Mar 12, 2021
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    South of Deux Sevres
    We had foxes and badgers as regular neighbours as we lived next to Pebsham Farm..no more now industrial..so the country side went on all the way through to Hastings on that side ..the other side was a middle size estate of all kinds of properties. It was a nice place to live initially
    We had to stop being so friendly with the Foxes when we decided to have chickens then went on to have ducks as well...Foxes we had always seen here in Bexhill on Sea, in the daytime, they were obviously in wait for an extra meal..It is Nature I know that and fully take my love of Nature to task, harsh at times for us,.as we believed that our animals should have as much freedom as possible, but prices have to be paid for that.....
    We have a lot of Deer and Wild Boar in the woods that are everywhere around us. Often we see a kid running across the lanes, just don't be the one to hit our vehicle...quite common, sadly. .
    The site of a Badger with its clan trotting down the lane towards our land was a regular occurrence that I do miss..Have never seem a fox or badger here, guessing they are too shy of us....
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2021
    eileen likes this.

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