Hi! I was hoping someone could help me identify this butterfly/moth? thanks! http://i343.photobucket.com/albums/o479 ... a/pink.jpg
Can you tell us where you saw this butterfly....which state or country? That would help narrow the ID search down considerably. Welcome to GardenStew, hope you hang around and enjoy our group.
Unfortunately, I have absolutely no information. I saw the photo in a jewelry catalogue. I have contacted the catalogue and they have assured me that real butterflies and moths were photographed with no major photoshopping but they can not identify it, so I was hoping someone else could help. Thanks!
well, first of all, it's definitely a butterfly and not a moth. Moths mostly have "fuzzy" antennae & butterlies have smooth ones. Now you know as much as I do about it, lol! Here ya go, it's a Cithaerias merolina from South America (I love google!) http://butterflies.aa6g.org/Butterflies ... wings.html
The butterfly is sooo pretty. Almost doesn't look real! Another welcome, gypsy, to the Stew. I know you'll like it here, so jump in with other questions, pictures, posts. Where are you from? I am in HOT East Texas!!