Customer Service

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by Doghouse Riley, Jan 16, 2025.

  1. Doghouse Riley

    Doghouse Riley Young Pine

    Oct 17, 2019
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    South Manchester
    First let me say that vintage tuner/amplifiers are one of my many hobbies, I have three, two Leak and a Rotel. But I can only use one at a time.

    We've several vacuum cleaners, "buying them is one of my wife's hobbies." Because of her increasing disability, she bought a few over the years, which were not as hard to use.

    There's five in here, mostly Shark, it's our "vacuum cleaner and tumble dryer cupboard" under the stairs, plus there's a small one on the window sill.

    There's a little one for "crumbing down" on the window sill in the kitchen, plus A Shark Hydrovac near the back door, this uses water for vaccing and cleaning the laminate floor. There's a couple more upstairs in the box bedroom, plus a Vax Platinum smart wash for the carpets. Amongst these upstairs, there's an old battery G-Tec. I like to use, but the brush roller was wearing out so I recently bought a replacement for it.

    We've three old vacs between the garage shed and tea-house!

    The one in the left-hand back corner in the photo is a Shark Powerhead mains one. I think the best one we've ever had. It's over ten years old. It has so much suction power, even I have a hard job pushing it on the thick carpets. It doesn't need a new brush roller, as it's only been used regularly for the last four months as my wife is not yet up to vacuuming and she'd never be able to push that one.
    But I thought I'd buy a spare brush roller for it.

    But Shark say new brushes are no longer available for this one.

    I wasn't best pleased about that, so I wrote and complained. They will be aware from the e-mail address that between Shark and Ninja (same company) we've about a dozen of their different appliances, that have been registered with them.
    I got a phone call yesterday (I didn't give them the number, they must have got it from one of the guarantee registrations). A lady said she was very sorry that no brushes were available, so they were going to send me a different refurbished cleaner, free of charge.

    This one.

    It arrived first thing this morning.

    We don't need another one that will also clean carpets, but I wasn't going to say no.
    I'll probably give it to our granddaughter, who is moving soon with her boyfriend, from rented accommodation to a new build.
    You can't beat that sort of customer service, can you?
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2025
    Pacnorwest and Sjoerd like this.
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  3. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Gobsmacked, Riley! Now mate, that is what I call customer service!
    Pacnorwest and Doghouse Riley like this.
  4. Pacnorwest

    Pacnorwest Hardy Maple

    May 16, 2018
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    DHR there’s lots of choices for each different job in your repertoire .
    I just have one for the house with a couple little hand held batter op for small household jobs. And a wet vac for other jobs inside and out. Mainly use my leaf blower for the garage .
    Doghouse Riley and Sjoerd like this.

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