Favourite interior design styles?

Discussion in 'Interior Design' started by louise, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. louise

    louise New Seed

    Feb 25, 2011
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    There are so many styles about and I just can't figure out which I want to go for in my home.... I like minimalistic styles, but not too much so. And I like lots of colours and a bright modern look.

    But I also don't want something that I will tire of quickly/that will look unattractive to visitors.

    What are everyones favourite styles and why? Maybe hearing other peoples opinions will help me determine what to go for....!
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    What is your idea of a perfect vacation place? Seashore, mountains, Italian vineyard, etc.....that could be a place to start and can be minimal in accessories with both bright colors and lighter versions of those colors too.

    Do NOT worry about what other's might think of your style, you are the only one who has to like it!!
    To keep from getting tired of a style, stay away from 'the design trend of the season, month, week, etc.' Always go with what you really like.

    That being said, my livingroom is 'cabin in the woods with a western kick' The only things bought new by us are two small storage cabinets and the usual electronics...TV, Stereo, DVD and VHS. Other furniture pieces are hand-me-downs (not the broken down kind except for hubbies recliner but what can you do about a guy and his comfy chair), thrift store or garage sale finds because they had the look we wanted that new things did not. One wall is covered with wallpaper that looks like a log wall. And we have a non-functioning cast iron Franklin stove on one wall, where the logs would be are two salt molds that now hold votive holder and candles. You get 12 candles burning in a confined space and it keeps that part of the room pretty warm. ;)

    Our bedroom walls and ceiling are three different shades of blue, with a purple cabinet and red accents...why? Because hubby likes blue, I like deep rich purple and the red just begged to be included.

    Whatever you decide on, please be sure to post photos of the decorating process. We love seeing those as much as we love seeing progress photos of gardens.
    Frank and eileen like this.
  4. SusieQ07

    SusieQ07 In Flower

    Mar 18, 2007
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    There is no law saying pick a style, if you love something..go with it! you live there, it should be a place that makes you and your family comfortable and happy, don't get hung up on specific styles, it will only get you crazy! LOL my style is my style, and we luv it! and all who have come into my home, seem to love it! even had a decorator try to give me a job.. no way retired lol
  5. cuatro-gatos

    cuatro-gatos In Flower

    Oct 23, 2007
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    Southern California
    Hi Louise,
    One thing that is very appealing about a minimalist style is that it make dusting easy and everything looks very tidy. This lasts about 10 min. in my home, turn your back and the nic-nacs are back in place and there are stacks of papers on every table top.
    Do what makes you happy and have the kind of home you look forward to coming back to every day.

  6. louise

    louise New Seed

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Thanks for the advice everyone.

    It certainly inspires me to just go with what I feel, I'm just a bit concerned that I'll end up with a load of things that don't actually go together.

    I've never been one for coordinated decorating; my attempts at the Christmas tree as a child were.... creative, to say the least!

    Anyway, I think I am going to go modern and minimal. Surely the less stuff I have, the less room there is for everything to go wrong?!

    Maybe thinking a slight 60's vibe as well, as I do love things from that decade... What does everyone think?
  7. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    Lousie, you should see our home! :D Our style is "if it works, we'll keep it and we don't care if it fits with whatever else is in the room".

    Our long-term plan is pale oak, neutral walls and plenty of colour on curtains, carpets, pillows, table cloths and paintings/photos/decor on the walls. We might get there before we retire. :D But we like our haphazard lack of style. It's comfy, gives the house a lived-in feeling and we don't worry about scratches or dents on floors. We can't. We've got a couple of very active children, two cats, friends with dogs etc., and I can't bear the thought of telling anybody to be careful in the sofa, on the cairs or anywhere else for that matter.

    Personally I like the minimalistic style, and I think you should go for it if that's what you want. Your 60's touch might be just the thing to make the home look like a home and not a catalogue illustration.
    eileen likes this.
  8. Plumbing And Lighting

    Plumbing And Lighting Seedling

    Aug 4, 2009
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    Nassau County, NY
    I call my style beach bum! Not necessarily messy, but definitely not overly organized. Casual furnishings, neutral to bright colors, and plenty of re-purposed junk.
  9. elsiebass

    elsiebass New Seed

    Apr 14, 2011
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    I would say I'm especially transition. Curves combined with straight lines equal a transitional-style interior. The look balances both masculine and feminine attributes for a comfortable and contemporary design. The scale of the pieces are large, but not intimidating. The lack of ornamentation and decoration keeps the focus on simplicity and sophistication of design.
  10. marlingardener

    marlingardener Happy

    Aug 23, 2010
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    Central Texas, zone 8
    Well Louise, if I have to choose a style, I go for easy-to-clean! Texas has a bit of every kind of dirt invented, and most of it ends up in my house. Wall to wall carpet and dangly stuff is NOT my style.
    I do like clean, simple lines, colors that one doesn't tire of (avocado, no; sage green, yes) and whatever is comfortable to sit on.
    Go with what you like--it's your house. People come to see you, not your decor.
  11. habee

    habee New Seed

    Apr 23, 2011
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    I'm pretty ecclectic, but I really like Early American and cottage style.
  12. Frugalkate

    Frugalkate Seedling

    May 6, 2011
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  13. louise

    louise New Seed

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Thanks Droopy, that's just the vote of confidence I needed! Now I just need to accumulate enough money to do this properly - furniture is sooo expensive!
  14. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Louise, I don't spend anymore time in the house than I have to, so less is more for me, easy to clean, not too much to worry or fuss over and be able to get back outside. That said, Use what YOU like, to decorate with. It doesn't have to be a particular style. Try to stay with a few neutral background colors and use the rest of your stuff to bring in the colors you like. I'm not sure I could say I like all the same colors today, that I liked 5 years ago. Accent colors are much easier and less expensive to change.
    I have even swapped pictures and wall stuff with other people to give it a change without spending any money. Furniture is an investment, but make sure it's comfortable, not just looks like "your" style, otherwise you will not want to spend anytime in your room that you have spent time and money to make it the way you want it, because it hurts to sit on it. :stew1:
  15. louise

    louise New Seed

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Oh yes I know that, completely agree! I've spent too many years living in horrible rented homes with really, really uncomfortable sofas.

    In regards to the sofa it's definately comfort first, style second (but I'm still going to have to pick one that looks good!).

    I really want one of those huge corner type sofas, would anyone else recommend them?
  16. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    I personally wouldn't want one. they are humongous and you cant move your furniture around if you want a change. Very "fixed" in the placement in your room. BUT if thats what YOU want, buy it! (none of us are going to get to come and sit on it :( )
    Does your room lend itself to a corner sofa? not all rooms can accommodate one. Either size of the sofa or the layout of the room, makes it "undoable" And is this going to be your home for the foreseeable future? you wouldn't have to move it anytime soon? Can you rent one for a little while to see if you would like it? Some furniture stores will "stage a room" for people who are selling their house, you might find one who will rent you the piece for a little while if you are truly interested in buying it. Don't forget that furniture looks much SMALLER at the store when you are looking at it.And when you get it home it hardly fits.

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