Happy Birthday! With your recent anniversary, and now your birthday, you certainly have cause to celebrate--hope you have a great day.
Thanks Everyone!! I am truly Blessed to have such wonderful family and friends. I've already said my prayers and to honor myself...I even came into work early to plant more maters in pots....lol. That was "my" time. I looked up and smiled with all the sounds of birds, lizards and whatever else could sing to me...lol. Again Thank You All For Those Wishes!!! Hummerbum "Val"
HB-Hope I'm not to late to wish you a year filled with abundant blessings. Happy Birthday and many more.
Picked you some flowers for your birthday. Hope you had a great day bouquet of Rosy Cloud Narcissus, Margarita tulips and Pieris japonica ( photo / image / picture from Jewell's Garden )