Hi everyone, I'm from SC, and I love gardening. For the past 3 years I've been growing flowers and plants of all varieties and I always have a vegetable garden planted in the spring. Hubby and I are empty nesters, kids are all married and have kids of their own so I have lots of time to garden now. We live out in the country with lots of room for planting. Hope to get to know you all and share some gardening fun and experiences.
Hi southern bell and welcome to our fine community here at "The Stew". You are sure to make lots of new gardening buddies We all love gardening so you are in great company. Have a look around the site (photos of gardens are in the Member's Gallery) and feel free to start a new topic or jump feet first into any existing topic
Welcome from another southern belle, hope you enjoy the forums. Lots of very smart people around here.
Hi Southern Bell, I think you found a keeper here at Garden Stew. I wonder if they will let me post my bean hut? After I learn the ropes I will try. I did see where the site has a section to do pictures. I think I will for sure like the people here. Hope they like Green Beans. I already know they love flowers so I think the three of us will fit right in. Greasy Bean
Find the Welcome to Gardenstew and look under the gardenstew starter pack. It tells you all you need to know to post pictures and other things on the site. We love pictures. Lots of pictures. Welcome to the "Stew" Dooley
Thanks Dooley, I forgot to tell you folks that I am from Western North Carolina and have Big Greasy bean Patch that is really giving me a work out. I tried to get Southern Bell to come help me pick them but since We found four snakes in I do not think she will come.LOL Will post a few pictures of it a bit later. Hope you are having a wonderful evening Greasy Bean
I'd like to add my welcome too. So hi there Gloria (Southern Bell)and Greasy Bean. Get yourself comfortable and join in any topic that takes your fancy. Great to have you both here with us and we look forward to learning more about you both and seeing your photographs. :-D
Thanks everyone for the friendly welcome and so glad to see Greasy Bean, my NC friend here too. Hoping another of my NC friends joins us soon. I've looked around the forums a little and I'd say I've found a great bunch of gardening people here and I'm really going to enjoy it. Thanks for having me y'all.
Many welcomes, both Bean and Bell! We are glad to have you among us - now where are those dandy pictures of yours? ;-)
Snakes, we have snakes, too. But, when we wanted some for our summer reading program, none were to be found. They were hiding from the rain I guess. As soon as we weren't looking for them anymore, out they came. We only had one rattlesnake in the yard this summer. I hope that's all we get. Only one tarantula in the house so far. Chance keeps looking for more though. She kind of liked it, I think. Dooley