Hi, another new member here from the UK. We have an exotic styled garden in the cool British climate, using hardy plants and those that look exotic to create the illusion.
Goos morning Mallotum and welcome to GardenStew. Which part of the UK are you from? I'm up north in Scotland.
A big friendly welcome from Wisconsin. Glad you found this wonderful garden community. Looking forward to seeing pic's of your gardens. I love the fact that there are folk from all over the world here. Have a super day.
Hi Mallotum, welcome to GardenStew from north Texas. Really looking forward to hearing more about your garden style and seeing photos of course!!
Hi and welcome from South Florida. Pretty new myself but am really enjoying it. I know you will do the same.
Hi Mallotum, welcome to GardenStew from Chelmsford, MA, USA. As the friendliest garden group on the internet we have many forums, gardens and blogs that keep our members busy. There is something for everyone, welcome aboard. Jerry