Things out in the park are looking very cold. We had an extended, long walk and took some foto’s of course. The first one was taken by the Bride and is in my view the best of the lot if you look at the elements of the composition. A view of a tall ship: Boats, church and harbour. Swans found an opening in the ice. We enjoyed our walk and taking a couple of snaps, but our mate, Karel takes the cake with his professionally composed shots in the park outside our home. This is a great place to end this pictorial posting.
Oh my, what beautiful photos! In my opinion, your bride's photo ranks right up there with your friend Karl's pictures. You live in such a lovely place.
Thanks Jane— I’m so glad you like the looks of our area here. I shall tell the Bride you liked her foto.
And here I am, trying to fix my car's air-conditioning again... We sture do live on a very strange planet.
Sjoerd, we were watching Penn and Teller last night--a magic show featuring new magicians, and the experts Penn and Teller figure out how the trick was done. Sometimes they are fooled! Last night one of the magicians was a young lady from Amsterdam, and she performed outdoors with a canal lined with beautiful buildings in the background. The trick was fabulous (a version of "bed of nails" done with four swords) but the background was even better. I kept saying, "That looks like some of the pictures Sjoerd posts!"
Wow, what about that ! Well, we have not heard of those two magic figure outers, but we have heard of Amsterdam. Chuckle. I imagine that the girl did it on one of the many canals in her city. Some of our buildings look similar to the ones in A’dam, so I can see why you saw the similarity. Some of those and our buildings are quite old and were built in the same period. I find it so cool that you noticed the similarities.