A client gave me a lovely easter lily last year, which you all helped me figure out how to plant after it lost its blooms. I've been slowly removing plants from my old garden, and replanting them in Paige's garden which I am now responsible for. I noticed a plant in my old garden a couple of weeks back. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was, I didn't remember planting anything right in that spot, so I just left it alone. It wasn't till yesterday when I was there watering the houseplants I still have there, that I realized what that plant was and where it came from. If it hadn't bloomed, I'd be wondering still! Pretty, huh? Interestingly, that same client gave me another easter lily this season, so as soon as that gets to the point where I can plant it, I'll do so, and then I'll have one more lovely flower coming up in Paige's garden next spring!
Two years ago a husband bought his wife an Easter Lily. After the white flowers were done, the wife had me plant it for her. Last year it grew and flowered beautifully.