Mmmmm now this plant has me stumped I'm afraid. :-? Could you possibly take another piccie for us Yonni that shows the leaves more clearly? Thanks. :-D
I've just been browsing through this section, and came across this thread. Please forgive a newbie mistake if I'm reviving something that's too old, and better left alone, but I do believe that I recognize Yonni's plant as an Epiphyllum, quite possibly E. oxypetalum, often called 'Queen of the Night' or 'Night-blooming Cereus', the green "stick-like" structure with the flattened "leaf" is characteristic. Mine bloomed several times this year :-D
Zuzu never feel that can't post your opinions here - you're more than welcome to do so. :-D We were stuck as to what Yonni's plant was and I think you've managed to solve the problem for us. Well done!!