I have always wanted a water feature in my garden. I wanted it to be visible from the kitchen and screened porch so I had to give up my side garden. side garden ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden ) This fall I decided it was time. I waited until fall so I could enjoy the blooms as long as possible and it is a better time to transplant. side garden ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden ) So I transplanted rosebushes, hydrangea, azaleas and many plants to other areas of the yard. When Isaw how bare it was I almost changed my mind. Ready for the Landscapers ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden ) This is the beginning of the installation Created the waterfall and creek bed ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden ) Creating the waterfall and creekbed. Installing the liner ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden ) Placing the liner The finished water feature ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden ) The finished waterfall & creek :-D View from the kitchen ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden ) View from the kitchen Night view of the waterfall ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden ) Night view, we had lights installed under the waterfall. Robin bathing in the creek ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden ) A Robin bathing and a Tufted Titmouse drying off. Tufted Titmouse drying off ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden ) I love my new water feature and so do the birds.
I would love to have a water feature like that to enjoy, you all did a great job. Giving up a flower bed for the water feature was hard but watching those birds enjoy the stream will more than make up for it.
Thanks Toni, I am very happy with it. I love seeing the birds and in the spring I will add some landscaping and pots of flowers...I can always add another garden space.
Thanks Donna, that was another reason I wanted it outside my kitchen window, you can hear it inside and on the porch.
Goodness gracious me, Gail! You have really out-done yourself this time. Good thing you didn't change your mind half way. Faint-heartedness and being unsure is not what we expect from a champ like you. hahaha. You just set a course and don't look back. No, but I really do see how you could have a little tinge of doubt at that point. Ach, but if it had all gone pear-shaped, you could have put it all back in march. What's done is done and you got an excellent result, I find. It looks like that ground was difficult to work with. Lots of limestone bits in the soil? Did you find any arrow points whilst digging? I hope that you can fill that empty garden with some low plants. I admired how well you had put that strip together, no doubt you have put the plants that you took out in other nice places and they look smashing also. Anyway miss-- well done you!
Perfect - just perfect!! You are going to have so much to see now that you have water in your garden. I love the way you've built the waterfall and it's going to be even better once you put the landscaping and plants in. The birds have approved your project and will spend many happy hours drinking from and bathing in it.excellent job!!
Thank you Sjoerd. It was quite a dramatic change in landscape but I am really enjoying the new look and the sounds of the waterfall. :-D I did all the transplanting of the shrubs and plants but we had a landscaper do all the digging and hauling of rock & boulders. I met with him several times to come up with a design. He has done 4 other ponds in our community so I was familiar with his work. We did not find any arrowheads, just rock & red clay below the 12 inches of soil we had prepared and tilled prior to planting this garden. I am excited for spring to add plants to this area. I appreciate all you comments
Thanks Eileen, appreciate your comments. I am really enjoying the view and planning what I will do for plants.
I adored that bed in the "before" photos. But a waterfall right outside your window? SWEEEET! I can understand being apprehensive about the big change, but what a wonderful feature you have now. And seems the birds agree. Yep... thumbs up!
Thanks Cheryl and Chocolate. I will miss all the color right outside my window but I am looking forward to spring when I can add some plants.
What a great water feature! It is really nice, looks so professional. I know you and your birdies are going to love it for years.