I have a plum plant Satsuma are full of leaves, it is about 3 years old (1.5 metre tall) and got some flowers although they are dropped. (Now is early spring here in Australia) I have another plum plant dug out, 2 metre tall(unknown variety but seems similar to Satsuma) 2 months ago and repotted in a 60cm pot. Now in early spring there are no leaves come out, although few small branches are in green so I assume it is still alive. Any reason still no leaves? May be when I dug out hurt some roots?
It is still the same, no new leaves come out. Should I cut it down to, say, 1 metre from the soil surface? remove all the branches.
I would scrape the bark with a knife. If there is green, moist cambium under the bark, I wouldn't cut that off. If it's totally dry or brown, I would cut that stem off. It might be dead. Or late waking up.