Common Pests and Diseases

Discussion in 'Plant Pests, Diseases and Weeds' started by gardenwinter, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. gardenwinter

    gardenwinter New Seed

    Aug 30, 2009
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    Ants - Spread raw grits on the ground (not instant grits). When the ants eat the grits & drink water they die.

    Snails and Slugs - Spread used coffee ground around the base of the plant.

    Bacterial Wilt - A common disease of cucumbers, bacterial wilt also afflicts muskmelons, squash and pumpkins. Most troublesome east of the Rockies, it is prevalent during moist weather. Cucumber beetles feeding on foliage usually spread it. Symptoms include rapid wilting of plants and death of young seedlings. Check for the disease by cutting a stem near the base and squeezing it; if present, bacteria will ooze out in a sticky mass. Try using floating covers to keep beetles off plants or spray with pyrethrin. Source: Bacterial Wilt

    Gummosis and Cankers - These are both terms used to describe various bacterial or fungal diseases that cause oozing, sunken lesions on trunks or limbs of afflicted trees and shrubs. The problem is most commonly seen on fruit trees, and often gets its start when the disease organism enters through a wound or borer entry hole. To prevent this problem, avoid over watering and take care not to injure plants. Protect young trees from sunscald by wrapping the trunks loosely in burlap. If the plant is generally healthy, it will usually seal off the cankers. If the canker appears on a small limb, prune it out well below the canker; disinfect tools between cuts. Source: Veggie Gardening Tips

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