Recent Entries to this Blog just another rainy day
Posted: 16 Mar 2011
Spring is almost here
Posted: 14 Mar 2011
gardening fever!
Posted: 13 Apr 2010
caregiver's concerns
Posted: 09 Apr 2010
internet is great but frustrating for beginners!
Posted: 08 Apr 2010

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chihuahua mama's Blog

just another rainy day

Category: Life; | Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:26 am

Today was a long, tiring day. Had phone calls to make, errands to run, and cook a nice dinner for the guy I work for, Tony. I cooked him a stuffed cornish game hen, rice and mushroom dish, and steamed brocoli. Made him 4 mini-loaves of cranberry bread. I really should have more energy than I do. In a couple months I have my labs done, won't be surprised if my thyroid rx needs increased again. Have been going to try juicing wheatgrass. I've heard it's excellent nutrition. Tony & I were juicing carrots and other vegs. Need to try that wheat-grass tho. Tomorrow I am taking my friend Patty to an appt. Afterwards we are going to do some shopping. We live in a very rural area with very high prices, so when we have to go out of town for an appt. we like to do our shopping up there. So much cheaper, you really save a lot of money. With the price of gas climbing so quick, you have to save where you can. Hope everyone has a great day!

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Spring is almost here

Category: Life; | Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 7:53 am

hi gardeners! Spring is almost here, hooray. It does the heart good to look out and see your daffodils, tulips etc. blooming. We actually had snow here on the or. coast a couple weeks ago. We never hardly get it and it was so pretty. I was a little afraid for the flowers and herbs, but they look pretty good. I am so ready to be outside working in the garden. I planted for the first time last yr. brussel sprouts, cauiflour and broccoli. It was so fun watching them grow. I have to say it does taste MUCH better when you grow it yourself. The taste is so much fresher. Since we don't have a long growing season here I am going to try black plastic or maybe tires around the plants? Something to help speed up the growing process. I love our weather, but it's not the greatest for getting real hot. I went a little overboard on my tomato seeds. I have 24 plants so will be giving away lots of tomatoes! I planted fragrant sweet peas last month. They were my Mom's favorite flower. Can't wait to see them blooming. Am going to get some Sunflower seeds and also plant them this yr. They have some really pretty ones. Everyone have a great day, will write more later.

This blog entry has been viewed 151 times

gardening fever!

Category: Life; | Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:25 am

hi, everyone. Today has been a busy, fun day. Got a whole bunch of plants for my flower bed. also finally got my basil I have been looking for. Believe it or not I found it at a hardware store, our nursery still doesn't have it. I bought five of them in case any die! Tony got me hooked on cooking with herbs, it makes a world of difference in taste. I bought 4 different colored daisy's some really pretty striped geraniums, some begonia's etc. Some of the flowers I am growing in memory of my mom who passed away almost two months ago. The vegetables I am growing in remembrance of my dad who passed away almost a yr. ago. They loved gardening and this yr. it's really going to make me feel close to them. I was reading some of the post's and I quite agree it's time for good weather to get here so we can all go out and dig in the dirt!! Only another gardener knows the excitement we feel. Getting our bed's ready, deciding what we are going to plant and where. Deciding you need to expand a little more, ha! ha! It seem's like you have more stuff you want to plant than you have room for. Have fun everyone, and here's to lot's of upcoming sunny weather. Finger's crossed.

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caregiver's concerns

Category: Life; | Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:21 am

hey, how is everybody doing? i had a couple of q's i wanted to put out there. i have a guy i have worked for the past 11 yrs. and about 14 months ago he was diagnosed with esphogeal cancer. they wanted to remove his esopegus asap. he went to or. health science universty to get a second opinion. the doctor said it was a lymph node in question and sent him to a colleage of his who specilzes in hard to reach biopsies and eus procedures. dr faigle said he scraped the barrets and got the lymph node. tony has had three eus procedures and everything looks great. dr faigle said in his heart he believes tony is cured. my question is has anyone been in similar circumstances and chose not to have the esophgus removed and go this route? tony is scared the cancer is incubating and he might be making a mistake not having the surgery. it would be a hard decision to make, having your esopegus removed would be radical. any feedback would be much appreciated. my friend patty who's not been feeling well for the past 7 weeks came over to spend the night. i'm taking her to an 8:30 a.m. appt. i am so nervous about her health. she has had really bad pain in her stomach, it has got so bad she has taken to staying in bed. when she moves it really hurts. i went and picked her up and told her to put on her p.j.s, get in bed and i would fix dinner. i told her i have a little bit of bossiness like my older sis! she needed some t.l.c. i tried paula deen's recipe for baked spagetti. it took a little time to make but we thought it was really good. am taking some to kim and tony. also made tony some banana bread. he really likes that. i also have a question about starting seeds, and if it's to late. i have som territorial sweet 100's tomato seeds and i have a shop light. is it to late to start them for the growing season? any plants you grow yourself are so much healthier and so much cheaper. geez, they want from four to five dollars a tomato plant for a one gallon tomato plant in june. i have my two dahlia beds ready to plant. i just love those, especially the cactus dahlias and decortve. i have one bed that is just for dahlias. the second bed is for whatever suits my fancy, which plenty does!! the third bed is for vegs. tony loves brussel sprouts and patty said they are easy to grow. i've never grown them but thought i would try this yr. i have got my green onions in. i cannot wait for summer to get here with the sunny weather and being able to get out and garden. it's so peaceful working with the plants and watching things grow. i even like weeding!! crazy huh? well guess i better go. in four hrs. we leave for patty's appt. won't get much sleep tonight. take care everyone and hope you have a joyful day!!!

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