Bought some new plants yesterday and need help ...

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by Tina, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. Tina

    Tina Young Pine

    Feb 7, 2007
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    I bought 1 Oriental lily, 1 yellow freesia (I think there are at least 3 bulbs in each pot), 1 red freesia, 2 hostas, 1 primula vialli (orchid primrose) and 1 huechera.

    My question is can I combine the oriental lily and the freesia bulbs and plant in a container? I have a very large size container which I need to fill. Also, I was planning to plant one of the hosta and the huechera in my backyard where I think the soil isn't very good and under the tree. This is the spot where my beloved viburnum died. Or should I just plant them in pots and place it in the spot since I have to fill that spot. I plan to plant the other hosta in my new front yard shade garden. Will the primrose do well in a container? The tag said it was a perennial primrose.

    Thanks a lot for your suggestions.
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  3. purpleinopp

    purpleinopp Young Pine Plants Contributor

    Jul 18, 2012
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    Opp, AL, 8b
    Do you know why the Viburnum died? What do you think is wrong with the soil? I'd want to know these things, before I put more store-bought plants there. Under a tree is usually a great spot for Hostas & Heucheras though.

    Plants in pots are much more difficult to tend here because of the heat, though I think of tons of rain when I think of Seattle, so that may not be the same concern.

    Oriental lilies bloom for such a short time, I wouldn't consider them for a container planting. I think they are all hardy in Z8 (?)

    Hope someone else knows more about Primrose than I do, no idea on that one. I've never managed to get Freesia bulbs to do anything at all, so can't help with those either.
    donna in nc likes this.

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