Household Items For Garden Use

Discussion in 'Gardening Other' started by alleyyooper, Aug 4, 2005.

  1. alleyyooper

    alleyyooper Seedling

    Jul 18, 2005
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    Aspirin, (uncoated) disolved in water fights mildew, black spot and more.

    Baking soda, (and potassium bicarbonate) prevents fungus spores from invading plants.

    Boric acid or borax, wipes out ants roatches and more.

    Canola oil, use to smother insects

    Castor oil, repells moles Maybe some times for some people.

    Chili powder, pestiside and repellent.

    Cinnamon powder, Antifungal and repells ants.

    Corn gluten meal, inhibits germation of weeds.

    Epson salts, provide a quick shot of magnesium and promotes growth of flowers and folage.

    Essential oils (mixed with water) antifeedant & pest buster.

    Fermented salmon, keeps deer and chipmunks and other critters at bay ( people too I think). Is rich with micronutrients, amino acids, fatty acids and vitamins

    Fish emulsion and Kelp, liquid or powdered, organic fertilzers that promote health soil.

    Flour, white not self raising for sprinkling on plants plaged by grass hoppers.

    HONEY, to lure ants.

    Rubbing alcohol, 70% soulation, desiccates and destroys insects.

    Blackstrap molasses, jump starts microbial action feeds bentefical insects and attracts harmfull insects to traps.

    Petroleum jelly to apply to trunks and stems as a sticky barrier and onto lures.

    Liquid soap, (not detergent Kills pest when sprayed on plants. Always do a test spray first.

    Tabasco sauce, pstiside and repellant.

    White Glue, seals small pruning cuts very good on roses. Works for people with small cuts too to seal out dirt and water.

    :D Al
  2. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    Very useful Al, have you used many of these household solutions yourself?
  3. Seattle Gardens

    Seattle Gardens New Seed

    Jul 17, 2005
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    Castor oil, repells moles Maybe some times for some people.

    The lady at the hardware store was telling me that castor oil gets the bugs the moles eat to taste bad, so the moles have to move to find better food.
  4. alleyyooper

    alleyyooper Seedling

    Jul 18, 2005
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    I have used all the ant controls. I admit that it wasn't for the garden though. I sprinkle Cinnamon on the intercovers and around the bee hives to keep the ants at bay. I use honey to lure the ants away from the hives so I can douse them with liquid soap to kill them. I also am a firm beliver in using liquid soap to spray plants to rid them of most pest.

    Castor oil has not worked for me to rid the garden of moles. They just changed their food source from the grubs and worms to all the bulbs such as tulips and daffies. We no longer have any in the gardens where we used to once have many.
    :D Al

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