International seed exchange!

Discussion in 'Plant and Seed Exchange' started by gardenpixie, Jul 1, 2012.

  1. gardenpixie

    gardenpixie New Seed

    Jul 1, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Sri Lanka
    Hi, I live in Sri Lanka. I need to find some chive (purple flowering ones), garlic chive, blue bell and lavender seeds for my landscaping project.

    They don't sell these plant seeds in my country (actually, they don't sell most of those nice plant seeds here...) So i really need some help!

    I'm willing to exchange the seeds for marigold seed (i have many varieties: orange+red mixed, yellow+red mixed, plain orange, plain light yellow and many more) chinese guava seed, lantana seed or anything that i can find and can send through air mail.

    Since this is not illegal or anything, i hope someone will help me out
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  3. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Galway, Ireland
    Hi gardenpixie, I think it is illegal actually. Don't you require a license to import?

    Source: ... ports.html

    Why can't you buy from an importer? You mean they don't sell these seeds at all?
  4. gardenpixie

    gardenpixie New Seed

    Jul 1, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Sri Lanka
    Yes, i do!
    but first I have to arrange the method of import and i have to know the exact plant seed i'm going to import and stuff like that to get a permit (i hv to get it 2 weeks before the arrival of specimen) . The whole thing is free of charge, they just want to make sure that i don't import prohebitted, invasive or low quality plants. Since this is just for a small scale home garden project, i will definitely get the permit right away. But I need to make sure what types of seeds, when and how i'm gonna import them.

    So yeah, it is not illegal to import, I just need a permit, which i will get when i know for sure that i'm getting the seeds.
  5. MoonFire

    MoonFire New Seed

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Florala, AL zone 8b
    Hey gardenpixie...I may be able to help you out a bit with a few chives(purple flower tops) and a few kids would like to try the chinese guava and i love lantana...but before i agree to a trade i'd like to make sure it's not going to be too difficult for me to send the seeds to you...i've sent seeds to thailand without a problem and some things to England but had some difficulty going thru the red tape to do that...i know all countries are different...

    for me to send the i need to send them in the original store bought packets?...or can i send in the paper-made self labeled little envelopes i make myself or in little zip baggies if i have any of those?...would i need to mail them out on a specific date because of your import permit?...on the customs label i have to fill out i can put gift and an estimated cost there a tax you will get charged or anything if i do this or is there a certain value amount you are allowed to receive without being taxed or anything?...please let me know the details...thanks

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