It all started with a piece of Patchouli Update 1-13-12

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by toni, Dec 3, 2011.

  1. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    My Patchouli plants finally started producing buds in late October and I know that the minute the temperature drops to 32 or below they are goners. So in November I cut some to dry and put one of the tips with buds in a jar of water. It started blooming early this week and during the process of taking photos of the blooms for it's plant page in GS Plants I noticed that it had created a mass of I planted it in a small pot to keep indoors until spring.
    Pogostemon cablin (Patchouli)
    Patchouli cutting potted up ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )

    That got me to looking around the garden to see what else there was still a chance of getting a cutting from for next year. My winter project now includes....

    Manettia inflata (Brazilian Firecracker, Candy Corn Vine)
    Begonia x hiemalis (Elatior Begonia, Rieger Begonia)
    Candy Corn plant and two Begonias ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )

    Bignonia capreolata (Crossvine, Dragon Lady Crossvine)
    and Mint. Didn't realize until after taking the photo that this one includes the largest cutting and the smallest cutting.

    Dragon Lady Cross Vine and Mints ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )

    Pelargonium citrosum (Citrosa Geranium, Mosquito Plant)
    I know they look a bit brownish but I hope there is enough green to help the cuttings root.
    Scented Geranium ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )

    Passionflower Vine and a trailing Mexican Petunia...
    Passiflora 'Lavender Lady' (Passion Flower Vine)

    Passionflower Vine and Trailing Petunia ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )

    And while pulling up the soggy, brown Basil that was left after I did a lot of harvesting and drying, I found these two tiny baby seedlings, got them transplanted and brought inside for the winter.

    Tiny Basil seedlings ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )

    The below freezing temps aren't supposed to happen until Monday night....I wonder what else I can take a cutting of before then. :rolleyes:
    Frank likes this.
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  3. FlowerFreak22

    FlowerFreak22 In Flower Plants Contributor

    Apr 23, 2009
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    This looks like a fun idea. It makes me want to go outside and try things to do this with. Please keep us updated on how everything is doing.
  4. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    Since I have little success with cuttings... I'll be watching closely to see how your's do over the winter.
    And... keeping my fingers crossed that you get that snow in a couple of days.
  5. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    Your photos bring back memories. :D My grandmother used to take cuttings of the geraniums and Coleus when they got too leggy. She also put them in vases and potted them when they had grown roots. Good luck with your cuttings.

  6. kathyd

    kathyd In Flower

    Aug 10, 2011
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    Southern New Jersey
    You'll be happy you took the cuttings next year when you don't have to buy new plants. I started five sprigs of scented geranium this Fall. Three in pots of dirt with a large plastic baggie over them, and two in water. Two in the dirt did well. One in the dirt is on its way out I think, the two in the water are still alive, but no roots yet...hopefully the roots will start to show soon or I'll pop them into the dirt too.
  7. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Boy Toni--that is some good propagation. You must be quite pleased with yourself.
    Everything is looking quite healthy. Please show them again when you pot them up.
    Does that Patchouli have flower buds in the top of it? I'll bet that it would root better without them. You know that flower buds do sap an enormous amount of energy from the plant.
  8. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Some of the cuttings I took last month just didn't make it, some still do not have roots, some still don't have roots but are growing, some have roots but no growth and one has roots, new leaves and blooms. ;)

    The Geranium cuttings were just too far gone from the heat, drough and cooler weather to be successful :'(

    The Patchouli cutting that had a mass of roots evidently didn't like my window sill and faded away.
    The Basil seedlings didn't make it either

    The Dragon Lady Crossvine is still green and healthy but no roots.

    The mint is putting out new roots and growth, some from one of the leaf nodes under water.
    MInt growth and roots ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )

    The Passionflower vines has put out a new vine that is about 9" long but still no roots.
    PFV no roots, new vine ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )

    The trailing Mexican Petunia is finally putting out roots on both cuttings but I am not expecting much growth until warmer weather.
    Roots on trailing Mexican Petunia ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )

    The most surprising growth has been on the Begonia cuttings. They both started putting our new leaves and buds way before the roots appeared. The roots have really burst out and the buds are opening. And the roots are coming out of the cut end of the stem not a leaf node.
    Begonia roots ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )

    Begonias in bloom ( photo / image / picture from toni's Garden )
  9. cherylad

    cherylad Countess of Cute-ification Plants Contributor

    May 5, 2009
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    S. Liberty County - Texas (8B)
    So sorry they all aren't doing as well as your begonias.
    Must be a proud, but frustrating, time for you with all those cuttings. Don't give up yet!
  10. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    I'm glad some of your of your cuttings are alive and prospering. I've had little experience with cuttings, and the ones I have tried have all died. You're doing a lot better than me. :D
  11. chocolate

    chocolate In Flower

    Jan 25, 2011
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    Well done Toni,
    the cuttings are all looking pretty good to me.
    I do cuttings in water and have a good rate of success, specially begonias.I am going to try the mexican petunia now,yours looks to have made good roots and there is always someone who wants a piece of plant.Thanks for the idea.
    I find impatiens are very easy in water too, so I always have new plants coming on, the heat does them damage here, even in deep shade.
  12. Jerry Sullivan

    Jerry Sullivan Garden Experimenter Plants Contributor

    Nov 10, 2010
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    Chelmsford MA
    The few begonias I have do the same thing. And of course you are writing this all down in a log so you know what worked and didn't work. Right? There will be a test next fall. :)

  13. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    You are on a roll, Toni!
    I just gawk at your successes and turn all green. :D

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