Just got some Skullcap! Finally!

Discussion in 'Herb Gardening' started by kensclark15, May 14, 2012.

  1. kensclark15

    kensclark15 New Seed

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Springfield, OR
    So I've been trying to start Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) from seed but I've had no luck. I have one 1 inch pot which ONE sprout is coming up but I don't think it will survive this hot as hell weather even with a lot of watering. I bought two of them and put them in a small raised bed with some lavender (Lavendula offcinalis). How much do I have to water them? Do they like a lot of water? Also, when do I harvest it, how do I harvest it, and how do I collect the seeds?
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  3. Coppice

    Coppice In Flower

    Dec 20, 2010
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    SE-OH USAian
    Its in the mint family so regular water is a good thing. its also a shade plant. Check the Johnnies catalog, for horticultural needs.

    Plant for tincture or drying should be taken as soon as it blooms (and well before seed sets).

    Set is part of flower system seed pod is small but opens noticably. Collect seed pods and dry thoroughly flail and winnow, tiny round seed.

    Please understand this is a small plant. IMO you are going to collect and regrow seed before you ever harvest any for consumption.
    kensclark15 likes this.

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