Need 6 butterfly identifications

Discussion in 'Butterfly / Moth' started by curiousily, Jul 20, 2008.

  1. curiousily

    curiousily New Seed

    Jul 20, 2008
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    All of these pictures were taken around the Manu National Park, Peru. Please help me identify them because I can't find enough material to do it on my own. I have the dorsal and ventral sides shown for 2 of them.
    (side view 1)[​IMG]
    (back view 1)[​IMG]
    (side view 2)[​IMG]
    (back view 2)[​IMG]
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Sorry, but the majority of my butterfly books are for north American species and the one I have that includes some butterflies from around the world doesn't include any of these that I can see. It may, but it's pictures are all full from the top views and many butterfly wings look different from the top than they do from the bottom.

    There are a couple of other members here who have good search abilities, one of them is in Greece on holiday until August, but maybe someone else will be able to find some ID's for you.

    Google searching has turn up several sites with pictures of Peruvian butterflies but none that look like yours so far. You might go that route, maybe some look familiar to you.

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