Ridding the flower garden of weeds.

Discussion in 'Flower Gardening' started by alleyyooper, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. alleyyooper

    alleyyooper Seedling

    Jul 18, 2005
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    With the right type and amount of mulch weeds in the flower beds is greatly reduced. It is nearly impossible to keep all the weeds out though. Many of them come about, do to wind blown seeds or from birds that visit leaving little fertilizer presents with a seed incased with in.
    If the weeds are where you can pull them up with out disturbing the flowers roots, that is the most recommended method. If by chance they are to close to the flower and roots might be disturbed try covering the weed with a small board, cardboard, black plastic, or a layer of news paper. Stop the weed from getting the sun lite it needs to grow. Some time none of the above methods work because the weed is right in the middle of the plants mass. A herbicide or vinegar could be the answer. Since the weed is right in the mass of the flower plant use a artist brush or Q tip to apply the herbicide to the weeds leaves. Zap weeds with a 5 percent vinegar solution and mix in some liquid soap. Spot spray weeds for best results. I use a old spray bottle that spray and wash came in that Kare was throwing out.

    I do not recommond the use of herbicides or pesticides when gardening around or near honey bees food source.
    The minor use on a limited scale of a herbicide in a flower bed is only harmful to bees in that they will loose a food source such as dandelions.
    I myself worry about what we are doing to the area we live in when we abuse it's use.

    :D Al
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  3. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
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    Galway, Ireland
    That's a tidy little summary for tackling weeds Al, great stuff. I could imagine that herbicides may not be the greatest thing for the poor little bees. I love the vinegar and liquid soap solution, so simple.

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