Uncovering the sprouts? Yes or no?

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by StarLiteFarms, Apr 3, 2008.

  1. StarLiteFarms

    StarLiteFarms Seedling

    May 4, 2007
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    Oklahoma, Piedmont
    Ok, now that i have so many sprouts especially my squash plants that i have already seperated into their new homes and a couple of cucs.. is it time to take them out of the 'mini green house" ? or do i continue to keep them covered? When is it safe to uncover all the sprouts and not mess with the plastic tent?
    TY again!
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  3. EJ

    EJ Allotmenteer Extraordinaire

    Jan 10, 2006
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    Well here in the UK it is way to soon to be uncovering squashes and other tender veggies, but I have no idea what your weather pattern is like so I can't help you. My squashes and cucumbers will go out in mid May after they have been well hardened off. They are in my greenhouse currently.
  4. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Like EJ, I don't understand how your weather is there...but one thing that I sometimes do with young squash, courgettes etc. is to put them out a bit early, and them place a small bit of chicken wire fencing in a circle around the plantlets.
    I then wraop that in plastic.
    I use 4 short bamboo sticks to suport the wire and give the general shape.
    You can then place some clear plastic over the top and poke "breathing holes" in it. That way if it rains or snows the plant gets water as well.
    It has worked for me in the past, as sometimes I rerally just can't help myself--I HAVE to plant them out.

    **A word to the wise is that if you do not enclose them outside and you don't harden them off-- the big leaves may well 'burn', turn glossy white and then crisp. The plant may not die, but it can have a profound effect on the summer's performance. I learned the hard way. :oops:
  5. StarLiteFarms

    StarLiteFarms Seedling

    May 4, 2007
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    Oklahoma, Piedmont
    Thanks. I have all the plants uncovered now. They are in my house (right behind me while on the computer.) We had what probably was our last freeze 2 nights ago which is our avg for last freezes. Weather ranges from 40-70f. although like i said it dipped to 31 the other night but not sure how long it lasted. My plants are still next to the window which gets late morning to afternoon sun. My squash plants are growing still having buds on them. I do have a concern as thre is a light colored brown spot on them (its a zuccini i think).. but other than that they are happy? lol As for hardening.. what do i do? (remember im learning). They are in 8 oz styrophome cups . I will post my latest pics on a blog in a few minutes. Do i open up the window in the day time to let them feel the breeze?? do i set them outside ? ty again! :)

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