Yellowing Tomato Plant Leaves

Discussion in 'Fruit and Veg Gardening' started by Georgia Girl Beth, May 22, 2015.

  1. Georgia Girl Beth

    Georgia Girl Beth Seedling

    Aug 26, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Savannah, GA
    My tomato plant's leaves are yellowing. They started growing really well up, but then the leaves began to yellow. I checked the soil today and it seemed a little dry, so I added lots more water. Could this be causing the yellow leaves or should I look for another source?

    Yellowing Leaves.jpg Tomato.jpg Tomato Plant.jpg
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  3. mart

    mart Strong Ash

    Mar 31, 2010
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    NE Texas
    The green leaves look droopy too. Could be a matter of inconsistant watering and getting too dry between. However there is one stem borer that can also create the same problem. Can`t remember the name but it attacks the interior of the main stem and the plant dies from lack of water from the ground up. Does it perk up after you water it ? With a container that big its possible that you are watering it too shallow and not letting the tub soak all the way to the bottom which is important for tomatoes.
  4. Riccur

    Riccur Seedling

    Mar 21, 2015
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    Has the weather been very dry for you guys in Georgia? I have found it difficult to make sure my plants have the right amount of water lately. The temperatures have also be up and down where i live making it difficult for the plants.
  5. Georgia Girl Beth

    Georgia Girl Beth Seedling

    Aug 26, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Savannah, GA
    Yes, it has been dry here lately and hot, hot, hot. This weekend has actually been very nice and not as hot, thankfully. We have gotten some afternoon thunderstorms, but not really a good "soaking". I will try to make sure that I water it more thoroughly. Thanks for the help!!

  6. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
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    Hiya Beth,

    I cannot see if the yellowing leaves have green veins in them still. If they do it is possible that your tom plant's containers are deplete of Mg.
    this is easily enough remedy by direct application to the soil and also as a spray (dissolved in water).
    At any rate, those yellow leaves will never function properly again, so I would remove them.
    The other suggestions concerning hydration are a good idea. You do not want to let your toms dry out. I personally feel that it is a good idea to set up a regimen where you water them at regular intervals and with the same amount of water.
    I always try not to use water directly from the tap. I use rainwater and if that has run out, I let tap water sit out for a couple of days before using it.

    Good luck with your toms---they are otherwise looking so good.
  7. carolyn

    carolyn Strong Ash

    Apr 13, 2011
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    Are you watering with fertilizer at all or fertilized? if there is no nutrients for the plant they will yellow up just like that. I have a couple in one greenhouse in a little cell pack that have only gotten water because I didn't have the injector on... they started yellowing from the bottom up.

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