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My fruit trees aren't liking false summer

Category: My Garden | Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:38 pm

In earlier March we had some 70 degree weather here in Kentucky. This was a false paradise because normal cold weather returned a week later and brought below freezing temperatures back to our fruit trees. The peach trees were tricked into thinking it was time to bloom, and now, with the absence of bees here at the end of regular cold March, I may need to pollinate the blooms by hand. I don't even know if this is going to work, because the blooming flowers freeze at night. Earlier in the month, during the false paradise summer, I saw many bees polinating our plum tree but then the weather hit with a cold snap. All of the plums are probably going to be lost. We wrapped one peach tree with frost cloth that was blossoming after the 70 degree weather departed, but I had to take the frost cloth off and expose it to the sun after three days of being covered. What a drag, this was the first year we were going to have some decent fruit to harvest and now it may be lost because of a false summer. I doubt any bees are less than cold zombies now because it drops down to below freezing most nights.

This is the peach tree I wrapped with frost cloth for 3 days. ( photo / image / picture from SevenTooMany's Garden )

And this is the same peach tree exposed with blooms waiting for cold bees. ( photo / image / picture from SevenTooMany's Garden )

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DirtyDigits wrote on Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:47 pm:

Seven I understand! I'm in Middle TN and we're dealing with the same thing. 70's one week and freezing with slushy rain the next. Of course mid summer I'll be complaining about the heat. I think I'll just keep thinking.. "It could always be worse"

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