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Posted: 17 May 2007

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My cherry blog!

Category: Garden Projects | Posted: Thu May 17, 2007 6:25 pm

My very first blog ever!! Here goes, bear with me (or beer with me) and I'll get it right sooner or later. My buds have posted pretty pix of their spring veggies so I thought it time to jump in. These gardens are definitely a team effort with my sweetheart JoJo. We've been taking a little different method with our gardens than most of the people we know. "Lasagna Gardening" Basically a NO TILL earth friendly sheet composting method. We also grow organic.

Here goes...

This picture is of the two beds we started last year. They're about 4'x8' each. Last year we used them for lots of veggies, corn, tomatoes, cukes, peppers and a few others. This year we've decided to turn them into an herb garden (the bed in front) and a flower garden (in back.) The herb garden has a few plants from last year and some new additions. Echinacea, oregano, sage, lemon thyme, chives, parsley, dill, cilantro. There's also some salad mix in there for now. The flower garden has stargazer lilies, Mexican petunia??(we call it purple haze) growing and seeds from numerous other varieties planted as well. Marigold, zinnia, cosmos, and a few others. There's also a volunteer of some sort growing well in guess is a pumpkin might be coming up from a Halloween pumpkin we threw out there last fall.

This is a full view of our veggie garden that we have started new this year. Approximately 12'x30'.

This shot is the far end of the garden above. Sugar snap peas growing on the trellis. Should be eating peas early next week. Not real good germination on the carrots and radishes in the front... think that the freeze got us there. Same with the beets that are behind the peas. The beans in front of the peas had just broken the ground 2 days before this picture. Also you can see some salad mix in the front here too.

Guess I cut the corner out of this picture, but this is the other half of the veggie garden. Corn there is up for two days, once it popped up I planted pole beans between the rows. Peppers and tomatoes. Tomatoes... Dr. Neal, Marianna's Peace, Gold Nugget, and San Marzano Redorta. Peppers (I LOVE CHILI PEPPERS!!!)...Devil's Tongue, Habanero Red, Scotch Bonnet Yellow, Cayenne, Aji Dulce, Anaheim JE Parker, Corno di Toro red and yellow. Can't wait for a summer shot and then the fall harvest! YA MON!!!

Guess the icehouse can just wanted to sneak into the picture. What a gardening companion!! Cheers! In the tray... freshly rooted Salem Rosemary, kindly donated by Uncle Jabba, and those little suckers you can just barely see... JOLOKIA... someone likes it HOT!! I didn't find out about this Jolokia pepper (hottest in the world) until mid spring. Almost 2 months past ideal chili seed starting time for here but I just had to try it... Hopefully we'll have a nice warm fall so these babies can have a chance to mature.

This is one side of our wildflower/sunflower garden... we had our neighbor plow this section of yard by the driveway for wildflowers. I ran out of film on this picture so next time I'll add the rest. These sunflowers were off of dead headed last years sunflowers. Nothing intricate here but we thought it would be pretty nifty to have a small field of sunflowers and such!! Lining the drive, you can barely see, chili peppers that I couldn't fit into the veggie garden we'll see how they do.

That's it for now. I'll shoot some more pix in a month or so. Peace!

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toni wrote on Thu May 17, 2007 6:45 pm:

Wow, what a beautiful garden Timmy. I have heard of lasagna gardening, it appears to be working very well for you. Really looking forward to more pictures as the garden progresses.

Please post an intro of yourself in the Welcome to GardenStew forum so everyone can get to know you.


glendann wrote on Thu May 17, 2007 7:34 pm:

You have really got it going on .Looks like you will have
a great little garden as well as a wonderful herb gerden.Will be looking farward to your updates.

malamik wrote on Thu May 17, 2007 10:53 pm:

Oh to have my own sunny spot for my own garden, as it is my back yard only gets 4 ours of constant sun in my own measley garden, we'll see what happens. Yours makes me so happy for you! Can I come over for a salad?
Be well!


Todddumke1 wrote on Thu May 17, 2007 10:53 pm:

nice photos tim!1 welcome to blog world and the 21st century


cajunbelle wrote on Fri May 18, 2007 1:38 am:

Looks great timmy, can't wait to see pics of what it produces.


eileen wrote on Fri May 18, 2007 8:11 am:

Now that's a garden to be really proud of Timmy. Thank you for sharing it with us.


StarLiteFarms wrote on Sat May 19, 2007 4:17 am:

YUMMY! Lol I dont think im going to be able to get a garden this year, So ill just admire yours!! Looks delish and beautiful!! I dont know what Lasagnea gardening is. So, what is it?

timmylaz wrote on Mon May 21, 2007 5:52 pm:

Pretty sure the "name" just comes from the layers of compost and organic mulches... layered like the layers of lasagna...pasta, cheese, sauce layered. The technique is based upon improving the existing soil with out the damaging effects of tilling and compacting. There's a book out there "Lasagna Gardening" and if you google lasagna garden you'll find several sites talking about it.

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