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Goodbye Jinx

Category: Some Thoughts | Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:28 am

Jewell posted earlier about her pet losses this year and I'm afraid I have another one to report. Our 7 year old border collie Jinx (Jinxy) died in a farm accident on Thursday. Needless to say my family and I are very upset about this especially since Jinx was the probably the friendliest, most innocent dog we ever had. Just full of love and playfulness. She was also jealous whenever anyone ever petted our older sheepdog/greyhound mix Shep. Not in an angry way, more in a "look at me I'm cuter" fashion :D It was very endearing. She was also great with the sheep, the best dog my father ever had for this.

We lost a pet and Shep lost a good companion. A terrible thing about living abroad as I do is that news of a family pet's death doesn't sink in until you actually go home and expect them to run to greet you. I'm not looking forward to that feeling when I return next time.

I'll miss you forever Jinx, you were a cheeky one!

My Pal Forever - Jinx ( photo / image / picture from Frank's Garden )

Tree Dog (aka Jinx) wonders when spring will arrive ( photo / image / picture from Frank's Garden )

Sheppy & Jinx watch both directions for intruders ( photo / image / picture from Frank's Garden )

Last edited: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:14 pm

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gardenplansireland wrote on Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:39 am:

Farewell Jinx.
Just remember the rats you will be chasing in heaven will have wings, so you'll have to run faster. :)


daisybeans wrote on Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:44 am:

He is a beautiful boy, Frank. I know you'll miss him... I'm sorry for the loss of your pal... I like this picture of Jinx in his domain, the farm....


eileen wrote on Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:12 pm:

It's hard to say goodbye when you are actually there when a beloved pet dies. It must be so much harder for you Frank over there in Sweden.
RIP Jinxy - you won't be forgotten.


dooley wrote on Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:21 pm:

I know you will miss Jinx even though you are far from home. Jinx looks a lot like Chance in the face. A beautiful dog for sure. It's sad to lose a friend. dooley


Sjoerd wrote on Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:54 pm:

Sincere condolences, Frank. There isn't really much one can say to help...just time will do that.

I find it terrible for you though.


toni wrote on Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:52 pm:

Oh, no, my heart goes out to you, your 'people' family members and to Shep, your 'furry' family, who feels the lose as much as any human.
Hope she and our Rambo have met, I think they will get along great.


gardenmama wrote on Mon Jul 13, 2009 1:57 pm:

Sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a pet is so hard.


kuntrygal wrote on Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:14 pm:

Frank, I am so sorry to hear about Jinx. It is so hard to loose a dear furry friend. I have a lump in my throat right now. Guess I'm just a softy. RIP Jinx.


gardengater wrote on Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:51 pm:

So sorry Frank. My condolences.


lulu1107 wrote on Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:57 pm:

Thanks for sharing your sweet Jinx with us. I firmly believe that telling about someone or a beloved pet you've lost is a way to celebrate and validate their lives. They were on this earth for a reason and will be missed by all whose lives they have us too now.


petunia wrote on Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:47 pm:

So sorry to hear about Jinx. Our pets become a big part of our family. May he find peace up there playing with the rest of our pets who have also moved on.


CritterPainter wrote on Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:08 am:

So sorry to read of the loss of your friend! Doggies are sneaky the way they crawl into your heart :(


CritterPainter wrote on Tue Jul 14, 2009 7:10 am:


Calomaar wrote on Tue Jul 14, 2009 8:30 pm:

Frank, I'm so sorry to read of your loss. It still brings a lump to my throat when I think of my Deputy, and that's been over a year. Our animal friends can mean very much to us, and are deeply missed when they depart, especially an unexpected death. He will long remain with you in your memory .


greenfairy wrote on Thu Jul 16, 2009 4:35 am:

Iam sorry about jinx, condolences Frank.

Edlou8181 wrote on Thu May 05, 2011 4:52 pm:

I understand completely,cause I had dogs,(8) at one time and now I can't have any where I live
take care

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