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trials and tribulations...
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Seedlings just appearing!
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trials and tribulations...

Category: Heirloom Vegetables | Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:26 pm

OK, so I disappeared there for a while, because life was being kind of rude. I'm more or less back on an even keel, and figured I'd give an update.

A couple weeks ago, I got my seedlings into the ground. I knew it was a little early to put the tomatoes in, but the beans were begging for it, and I was fighting quite a lot of mold and wanted to get them out of my porch. All was going well, none of them appeared any worse for the wear after transplanting, and then Fay showed up on my TV screen. Then she showed up in my backyard, and refused to leave. We were actually pretty lucky compared to many of our Florida neighbors, but we still had standing water in our yard for more than a week.

All of my tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants are dead. A couple of my bean seedlings actually survived, though they don't look very happy. I'm babying them as best I can. I was lamenting the losses one afternoon to my husband, and all the jerk had to say was, "Well, you've got more seeds, just plant some more." The worst of it was, he was right - it just wasn't what I wanted to hear. I did get another batch of seedlings going, and they are all starting to get pretty. I'm keeping them indoors this time, instead of on my porch, hoping to avoid the mold, and will put them in the ground next week, if Hanna will just stay away.


On a different note, send any spare good wishes my way - I finally got my certificate of eligibility from the state, and am officially looking for a teaching position.

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toni wrote on Mon Sep 01, 2008 10:48 pm:

Don't you just hate it when they are right? :)
But you should have plenty of time to start over and still have homegrown vegies for dinner before you know it.

Congrats on being certified to teach. My oldest daughter teachers 6th and 7th grade science and loves it.


eileen wrote on Mon Sep 01, 2008 11:27 pm:

Well done on getting your teaching certificate. I hope you get a position soon. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.


Droopy wrote on Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:45 am:

Congratulations on your certificate, well done. I'm sorry to hear about your veggies, and I'm glad you're starting a new batch. Good luck with it.

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