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Recent Entries to this Blog Finally back
Posted: 16 Jun 2022
Long time no chat with
Posted: 26 Feb 2022
Happy New Year
Posted: 30 Jan 2021
Hi Again
Posted: 13 Sep 2020
I think I've been locked out!
Posted: 22 Aug 2020

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Edlou8181's Blog

Finally back

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2022 2:17 am

Well friends I wanted to tell my friends what's been happening to me.
Around Easter I had something happen and amost died.
It was almost a month and now I am home.
Had to get 2 new parakeets Frick & Sunshine.
I've been to my heart doctor and I have 3 nurses visit me every week.
I cannot walk from apt to laundry because of faintoing spells.
I had to come home as yesterday was my 73 Birthday.

So take and sleep cool as its way to hot for anyone.

This blog entry has been viewed 338 times

Long time no chat with

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2022 1:37 am

Friends a long time no talk to.
First of many times time in Cooper hospital and better this year
I did some gardening last year with 8 tomatoes last Summer.
I still have my 2 Parakeets But flew away last week.
Been having trouble with new computer and will try back later.

This blog entry has been viewed 232 times

Happy New Year

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 2:01 am

Friends hope you all had a happy holiday and its not to cold at your place.
It has been cold here in NJ and its 23 outside with a wind chill of 15.
My parakeets are doing good with a Dr. visit onWednesday depending on the snow storm coming
Sleep warm

This blog entry has been viewed 286 times

Hi Again

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2020 12:39 am

Hi friends
I hope you are ok and its been 9 months since I've been my hospital
So far Im doing ok and will another post for some help
Sleep warm/cool.

This blog entry has been viewed 329 times

I think I've been locked out!

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 3:11 am

Hi friends its been some time and I asked about a flower that's growing in the front yard.
And its been busy here and So far I haven't been the hospital.
It's been crowded out back with a mommy turkey and 7 babies.
Also 3 Male turkeys and a female deer and her 3 babies.
Oh I almost forgot 1 turtle.
I think a need an Ark.
The parakeets are doing good except the vet wants me to bring the keets over then wait in a car while they look at the keets I don't drive and no car.
Stay safe and I will return
sleep cool

This blog entry has been viewed 227 times

Still need help

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 2:09 am

Hi Friends
I left 2 photos of the same plant in my front yard I don't remember planting but its getting bigger.
My garden s only a cherry tomato and its doing good.
I have a planting system from QVC.
If the tower holds up its not a bad item and it comes with a watering system that works great except my neighbors on first floor might not like it.
I use to like Summer but not now.
I also hate this Virus as if I get it it will kill me and not what I like.
The parakeets are asleep and so its quiet until the AM.
Friends keep well wear you masks (I hate them)
sleep cool

This blog entry has been viewed 214 times

I need help again

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2020 5:07 pm

could someone help with the name of this plant.
Sorry Frank plant ID didn't work on this old computer

mystery plant ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

another view ( photo / image / picture from Edlou8181's Garden )

This blog entry has been viewed 424 times

I'm still here

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 11:02 pm

Friends a belated Happy Holiday and I only everyone out there has a healthy and Happy New Year.
I spend more time in the hospital then here.
But they say I'm ok????
My parakeets are now asleep but ok.
sleep warm

This blog entry has been viewed 277 times

A Correction

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Wed Nov 13, 2019 3:26 am

Friends I don't know what I was thinking last night but flight is not flite but flights.
I woke up this morning to clouds and 55 degree temps then the rain and finally snow without any covering and finally sunshine.
The moon is a no show but the temp is 28 and it feels like 21
It is nice inside with a temp of79 inside and 77 in the bedroom.
Friends sleep warm

This blog entry has been viewed 228 times

Waiting for snow NA

Category: Ed's Balcony Garden | Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2019 4:07 am

Well friends I come to tell you what's happening.
Today started out at 60 degrees and now its 56 degrees and we have snow for the first time this year.
I have food and heat but I still hate this weather.
The keets are asleep and YES the new Frick still loves to get out of the cage.
Frick only has short flites so I think he wings were clipped.
And he as well as his Sister sleep thru the night.
Will try to inform you tomorrow.
Sleep warm

This blog entry has been viewed 192 times

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