Hello people, I stumbled across the Garden Stew yesterday while surfing for interior design hints. I see that you have a nice little community here I hope to add to your efforts and find some advices for myself. I live in a very sunny island called Cyprus, still studying for my LLB while working at a law office. I've been married for 3 years now and we have changed our addresses 3 times now (very intentionally) We have finally bought a town penthouse and it looks like we will stop moving for a while Looking forward to chatting with all of you
Welcome to the best Stew on the net, Lost nd Found, from coastal mid-Norway. I've visited your island, and I think it's a lovely place. All that history! Looking forward to getting to know you.
Hello from central Texas here.Welcome to our wonderful friendly Stew.Looking forward to hearing about your Island.Your plant life and well everything.
Hello and Welcome Lost nd Found, from the getting colder Norwegian Arctic. You have a beautiful island, and am looking forward to seeing more of it.
Lost an Found it's great to have you here with us. Welcome to our forums from Scotland. I look forward to chatting with you. :-D
Hello and welcome from east Texas. We would love to see pictures of beautiful Cyprus. Tell us about your hobbies, pets, etc.
Welcome from North Carolina, Lost nd Found. Cyprus is a lovely place and hope you settle in with us. Gardengater
Hi Lost nd Found and a big welcome to GardenStew. My oh my, Cyprus - what's you weather like right now? Would be great to see what you grow there. Don't forget to check out our blogs, member map and upload any plant images you have to PlantStew for all to see Details here: http://www.gardenstew.com/plantstew/help#3 // frank