Nice pic Capt. We have no snow, but our yard is full of birds, big fat robins, little pops and an assortment of others.
capt kirk Boy you must get lots of business in Ohio..capt kirk. Little land too. My sister lived in cleveland and didnt have any acreage......You look nicely located for fun. Send us more photos.. Nice work barb
I have a total of 3 acres of land and we set 1/4 mile back off of a secondary road. The birds we get at blue and brown nuthatches, chickadees and Titmouse and Bluejays, Juncos, Cardinals, Goldfinch and purple finch. That's just the birds that winter over.
cpt kirk That is nice.. Sister lived in cleveland near the airport..4 mile off......But she loved the park there. glad you have 3 shy acres..ha ha Someone name theirs that here in Penna. Thats nice . We have lots of snow now and Ohio friend sends me the reports. Keep photos. barb
Its great to see all the birds around a feeder.I wish I had a big tree to hang one in.I only have a cedat in the front and a huge pine in the back can't reach a limb on the pine and the cedar limbs are to limber to put one on.My bird houses are on posts.I mucst try to put a feeder on one.
I fed a mixture of cracked corn and black oiler sunflower seeds the first half of the winter. I bought a 50 lb. bag of each. The ones that didn't like the corn would scratch it out onto the ground for the ground feeding birds. Last week I went to get seed, but they didn't have the cracked corn so I only got the oilers. By the time the winter is over I will have fed them 150 lbs of food!
CK what is the larger reddy/brown bird on top of your bird table please? Your little feathered friends will be so glad you've fed them that 150 lbs of food when they're still around in spring to produce the next generation. :-D
The bird on top is a female Cardinal. I have at least 4 pair that I know of that come up and feed. Probably more! The Goldfinch are back and they are feeding like crazy. Some people feed them thistle seed, but that is too expensive for me to feed them. They eith eat sunflower seed or go elsewhere. But I have a real passel of them that eat the black oilers. I will stop feeding them when this 50 lb bag is gone. Then they are on their own until next fall. I don't want them to become lazy and forget how to forage on there own.
I used to have a Chickadee that would come up and eat out of my hand a few years ago. That was really a neat experience. In the summer I feed the hummingbirds and they are facinating to watch. I could spend hours on the front porch watching them!
We have several feeders n the backyard and it seems my husband is always filling them. He enjoys watching the birds fromhis workshop in the garage. He also feeds the black oil sunflower seeds.