My hubby and I over that past few months have been sort of looking for another pet. It's been almost 3yrs since we lost our sweet little poodle mix Tootsie to cancer. We hemmed and hawed around not sure if we wanted ot make that kind of commitment again. We searched and looked and prayed about it. I finally said lets just put it aside and God if you want us to have a pet you will just have to bring one into ourlives. So on my birthdday which was May 21st. I got up as usual and walked over to our patio doors to look out at our backyard. Sitting in one corner of our deck was this... I slowly opened the patio door and the cat just stayed sitting in the corner.We have had other cats show up in our yard. But as soon as you opened the door they ran for the hills. She just sat there. So I asked her if she would lilke to come in. She meowed at me and slowly walked through the door and hasn't left since. I wasn't sure I wanted a cat because they can try and eat your indoor plants. Or they scratch on your furniture and jump up on your cupboards. I felt sorry for her as she was clearly under fed, and seemed like such a sweet little cat. I thought because of her size she was about 10 months old. She had a poochy belly that looked like she could be pregnant. So I took her to my vet to see if she had a micro chip and if they could tell me if she was pregnant. Well no micro chip and the vet said that they could not tell me is she was pregnant unless they took an x-ray. Really, I thought. But I didn't want to spend to much money on a cat I had just found. We found out that she had worms, and ear an fungus. Both of which we had treated. I wanted to help her be healther than she was. Then the vet told us that she weighted 6 pounds 7 ounces and was probably 10 YEARS old. She is also missing teeth and is in need of some dental work done. Which will have to wait as it is pretty expensive. Whoever had her did not take very good care of her. We still have her and she is the sweetest, best behaved cat I have ever seen. She does not scratch on the furniture, or jump up on the cupboards, or try and eat my plants. Plus she loves to be cuddled, held and purrs up a storm. So I guess God decided to bless us with just that meet all of my concerns. I do have her posted and a found cat web page and contacted the Humane Society in our area. So far she is still a part of our family. She even doesn't mind riding in the car. We call her Kit Kat and right now she is sleeping on my lap.
She is a beauty but does look like she needs a few good meals ! I do not think you will be disappointed by keeping her ! Happy Birthday ! I always say when God takes one of our pets,, its because there is another out there that needs love !
She needs a loving home like yours for the rest of her days. She must have known you wanted a pet - how fortunate for you both that she turned up on your birthday!! I just hope that nobody claims her.
sweet Tooty. what a wonderful addition to your family. that is about how we got our animals. we found the first one and he was horrible. so horrible we had to have him put down. I am sure we spent at least 600.00 on him having him vetted. he was so bad even the vet couldn't touch him eventually. after that I told God if we were to have another dog he would have to bring it to our door. I wasn't doing that again. and He did is all I can say. that is how we got our sweet german shepard.. and a cat showed up on the deck right before we had to get the other dog put down... our vet asked where we got such nice animals... so nice they made him want another one himself... he has been the best cat ever, THENNNNN.................. our dear daughter brought home a kitty from the farmers market last year. we call him monster.
Oh Tooty, that is so touching, and so fortunate for all of you, four and two footers! We have three cats, all arrived in MamaCat, came out into the world, and moved into our hearts. I was resisting having another pet(s) but who can resist kittens? Even if someone claims her, don't give her up! Underfed, ear fungus, worms--her previous owners do not deserve her. Calicos are so loving, so adorable, and so capable of taking over the household!
Thanks all for your encourging words. She is such a sweet little cat. Yesterday she spent 3 hours sleeping on my lap. I was cat--naped. Heeeeheeee. I have reported finding her to the humane society. But I really think she was dumped, or came from the place across the field from us. They do not take care of their cats at all. So glad she came to us. I did find out that she does not like to be put in a pet carrier. I figured she would like to be outside with me so I put her in our pet carrier. She started to bite on the metal door and pulling on it. So I quickly put her back in the house. She didn't need to break anymore of the teeth she still has. Now we will have to wait and see if her little belly gets any bigger. I am praying not. At her age it would not be good for her to have kittens.
Awwww. I love this story!! She's very petite for an adult cat. That's really small. Even if she's underweight she's still not going to get terribly big. She's adorable! I'm so glad you found each other!
I have an update on Kit Kat. We decided to take her to the Humane Society near us this past Monday. We couldn't afford to get her all the vet care she really needed and it would have been over 500.00. We can adopt her back for under 100.00 dollars. The humane society has vets that do all their animal care for such a low cost. I did check on her to see how she was doing. The gal said that she is so sweet and is finally eating. The vet was concerned about her low body weight and that she had dental disease. Which probably is affecting her eating. Her stray hold will be up next Monday. So I will call back on next Wednesday and see what her blood test shows. I'm hoping that the only thing wrong is that she needed some dental work. Will have to wait and see.