Here's my story...for the past two nights, I have been listening to a cat meow- loudly! Of course, DH sleeps through it. So we found where he/she is- the roof! It keeps peeking over and meowing loudly- if it was a little brighter out, I could have taken a picture. All we see is a little black cat head peering over and meowing. So we called the haris- and he said it got up there through the venting system in the building. He has the door open so the cat can leave the building. I sent DH up to see if he can help catch the cat and find a home. All we had that was even close to cat food was proscuitto. The cat loved it, obviously he/she is Italian. Yet three men were not able to catch this cat. Anyway, his/her meows were because of hunger. (I hope he/she does not expect polenta or ravioli to be served next). He/she does not seem to be in bad shape so maybe we can catch him/her and find a good home. All I ask of my Italian feline friend is one good night's rest...and I will do my best to find a home where cured meats reign...
I am just glad it is not a feral cat. It seems to be one newly abandoned. He/she was just scared, I guess I would be if I was trapped on a roof too. It shouldn't be too hard for them to find the cat a home.