A gift of flagstone

Discussion in 'Garden Design' started by dooley, Jul 22, 2005.

  1. dooley

    dooley Super Garden Turtle

    Jul 3, 2005
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    My neighbor acorss the alley gave me some flagstone today. It fill half the back of my truck. What to do with it? We've a place by the side of the house where the skunk died. It's about 16ftx20ft. Soon, it will be inside of a fence. We're thinking we'll sift our dirt pile to get the rocks out and mix the dirt with compost and manure and put the dirt between the flagstones and plant a herb garden there. There are apricot trees and rose bushes down two sides. One side has a wall of climbing roses. The front, toward the street is mostly open. It has two juniper trees to one side. We think we may put one more juniper tree there in the fall. It's much too hot to plant anything right now. So, it will probably be a fall/winter project with getting it ready to plant in the spring. Dooley
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Sounds as though you got a big job ahead of you there Dooley. What a nice neighbour!!! Ours wouldn't give you anything for nowt!! :cry:

    Maybe you could post before, during and after piccies for us as we're a nosey lot here (well I am anyway!!! :oops: ) and it would be great to see your progress. :D

    Apricot trees? Do you get much fruit off them? Pity it's too cold here to grow them outside. :( Your garden sounds lovely and I think a herb garden is a great idea. :)
  4. dooley

    dooley Super Garden Turtle

    Jul 3, 2005
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    We do get apricots. Some years more than others. This year, we had a warm winter. The trees bloomed in February. Much too early, of course. We did get some though. The trees bloomed a second time later but just a few blooms. The apricots are very sweet. I like to make sugar free jam. I am waiting for the grapes to get ripe enough. There is an abundance of grapes this year. They are Thompson seedless and some rose colored ones that I don't know the name of. They make nice jelly though. Being diabetic I make things sugar free but my husband doesn't mind. It is still sweet enough for toast in the morning. I will try to take pictures. I'm not very good at it. We have some in the camera that we need to unload onto the computer. I think my son will come and supervise. He tries to teach us but at our age I guess things don't absorb as well. Dooley
  5. dooley

    dooley Super Garden Turtle

    Jul 3, 2005
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    I have been working on the flagstone. In the middle of the space we put an arbor which Brian says needs some reinforcement. I've planted vines at either end and Brian built a bench in the middle of it. I dug in two large pieces of flagstone on either side of the arbor for foot rests. I put a flagstone path from the lower path up to the arbor. Today, I've been sifting rock from the dirt pile to gravel the lower path and fill in low spots with the dirt. I will get compost and manure to mix in before I plant anything much. It's an on going project. Brian says he will take some pictures tomorrow. We seem to have too many projects going right now and finding time is hard. Dooley
  6. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Know what you mean Dooley!! We have soooo much to do in the garden before winter sets in but the weather is lousy and keeps holding us up. :(

    Brian and you certainly seem to have been hard at work lately. :eek: Looking foward to seeing the piccies as the arbor and path sound really lovely. :D

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