Hello there and welcom -- from Maryland. Your flower is a pretty way to say hello. It almost looks like it's made of glass... really pretty. But I don't know what it is either. Someone will though. I hope you enjoy the stew here.
Welcome to GardenStew chrikat from Scotland. Why not ask what your flower is here: http://www.gardenstew.com/forum-30.html
Hi Chrikat, welcome to GardenStew from north Texas, DFW area. How about telling us something about yourself, hobbies, kind of gardening you like to do, etc. And like Eileen said, repost the photo in the Plant ID forum with a description of the plant in the subject line. You will have a much better chance of getting it named that way. Also, could we see a photo that includes the leaves? I have an idea on what it is but need to see the leaves to make sure.
:-o Everyone here is very welcoming, I'm very glad to be here with some fellow gardeners. We have an herb garden, a vegetable garden with lettuce, watermelon, cantaloupe, onions, peas, tomatoes, zucchini, strawberries and many different berries and fruit trees. Also, we have been planting flowers like crazy, some azaleas, phlox, Texas sun drops. I'll send a pic of the newly acquired orange tree, and I have just started a butterfly garden from seed, that will be interesting! As you well know it is a fight with weeds everyday. Well Hello there toni, I will get a pic of those leaves in the morn, this is a Texas wildflower. Lovely isn't it. Very Happy moderator's note: removed double posting see point 3.6 of usage rules
Hi Chikrat and a warm welcome to GardenStew Don't forget to check out our blogs, member map and upload any plant images you have to GardenStew PLANTS for all to see Details here: http://www.gardenstew.com/plantstew/help#3 // frank
Welcome, Chikrat, from the coast of mid-Norway. Your garden sounds very nice, and I hope you'll share some photos with us eventually? Do hop in and make yourself at home.