Hi all... I'm not sure this is the right place to post my question, but I'm new, and ONLY a man, so bear with me? LOL I have an idea I would like to do for my GF. Her lawn, like most others here in the NW is a little brown right now. I would like to find some sort of seeds that I can plant into a great big heart shaped outline (maybe 8-10 feet across) that will grow some sort of little short flower, preferably red. Maybe something an couple of inches high? It would need to grow in the winter and not be frost killed? Does anything like this exist? I am open to any and all suggestions on how I can 'PAINT' this heart into her lawn. Help out a brown thumb romantic please? Thanks so much in advance.
What a cute question!! Ok, I think anything that could be planted now would probably come up too sparse in it's first year to do what you are hoping for, but maybe somebody smarter than me will chime in here soon. A place near me in rural Wa. seeded wildflowers in one area, a bit sunken so it's usually viewed from above, in wildflowers in a rough heart shape. She mows around them (in a heart shape) every year until they are done blooming. Perhaps you can work with something like that? You wouldn't be spreading the seed until just before last frost next year, around the end of March for your area. (unless the winter's really harsh like some have suggested.) Now if you are truly industrious, and really want to do a fall planting, crocus bulbs are the way to go. Not red, but purple and gold are gorgeous, and they'll perform nicely for you given the right prep work (if you are careful you can somewhat disguise your work) Best of luck!
Thanks so much for your response. I'm thinking since the lawn is so brown right now, that even if something short and bright green could be grown from seeds that might work? Anyone else please?
I don't know what your winters are like but you might look for a winter grass that will germinate in a very short time and grow in your winters. Otherwise a fall planting of a bulb that blooms in very late winter/early spring like the Crocus Mary mentioned is all I can think of.
It is nice to see that there are still a few romantic men around. That is the sweetest thing I have ever heard of. She and the world could see it!
that could work. The grass i mean. Any idea what kind? Maybe something that grows taller than normal? It does not snow here, but we have day after day of dreary cold in the low 40's. If I plant a bulb it will take tooo long, plus the gardener may mow their little heads off and I am sure to get caught lol.
Down here in north Texas Rye grass is sometimes used here by those who want to have a green lawn all year round. Contact a local garden center to see what is available for your area.
What about planting something that will bloom later, then sprinkling rose petals over the area for right now?
I'm kinda looking for something that will gradually appear I just knew there was some miniture little red flower that loves the cold and would grow from seeds lol. I really appreciate all the advice though. Any other ideas please???
did a google search, there's alot of suppliers of this seed out there, perhaps it would answer your need? It's called "scarlet flax" and it's a little, very red wildflower that grows well around here. My last best guess