After last weekend's rains....

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by Dinu, May 21, 2015.

  1. Dinu

    Dinu Seedling

    Apr 21, 2015
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    Mysuru, India
    It rained continuously for three successive evenings starting Friday, for a few hours each. Early in the morning when the sun was up and just high enough to kiss the thin and delicate blades of grass - Cynodon dactylon - which is my lawn. When I went out to have a look at the beauty following overnight's rain, I saw some delectable views that prompted me to bring the camera out - a Lumix Panasonic FZ8. Here are some shots I captured Monday morning.
    P1460799.jpg P1460809.jpg
    These two shots taken during the rain. I have made holes in the collection overflow barrel in the rainwater harvesting system. This was how it looked. The other one is circular ripples forming from water dripping from the almond tree leaves above.
    IMG_2500.jpg IMG_2512.jpg
    These two shots taken with Canon 550D. Raindroplets in the morning before they fell off... a leaf of the Oxypetallum plant. The second is a normal shot of the grass with tiny water beads gleaming in sunlight. More shots with Panasonic...
    P1460819.jpg P1460818.jpg P1460817.jpg P1460816.jpg P1460813.jpg
    Last picture is again of the Oxypetallum plant.

    I was thrilled at how the minute globules stayed stuck on vertical blades!
    GinnyC, Frank, 2ofus and 3 others like this.
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  3. vitrsna

    vitrsna Seedling

    Apr 16, 2015
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    Colima, Mexico
    Oh, you've captured some great images Dinu...i love these photos! Here now, the humidity is so high, it might as well be raining...but not yet. There is a lot of sweating going on though:eek: What is reflected in the up-side-down drop (3rd photo)?
  4. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    What superb photographs Dinu. You certainly know how to put both cameras to good use. I love seeing raindrops on grass and leaves after rain, or with morning dew on them, as they can look like little jewels. They can also, if taken at just the right angle produce little scenes from the garden in them which fascinate me. Your photographs have inspired me so much that I'd really like to use some of the images in my card making. Is it possible for me to copy a few of them please?
  5. Dinu

    Dinu Seedling

    Apr 21, 2015
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    Mysuru, India
    Thanks vitrsna and Eileen. I wanted to mention the [inverted] image seen in the hanging waterdrop, but forgot to add the description. It must be the advertisement hoarding - on the building across the road. This plant has grown above the 6 ft. compound wall.
    Eileen, I'm not fully aware of the DSLR, but still use it with reasonably good results. I have taken a few shots 'water lens'. I have to dig for them in the folders. If you like to have the raindrop images, show me which ones you need for your cards, I'll send them in its full size on e-mail. I post them here after resizing, always. If this would suffice for your purpose, it'd be okay too.
    Raindrops fascinate me too. I found two from last year's rain, gladiolus leaf. Second image is shot from under the leaf.
    P1430644 (Custom).JPG P1430649 (Custom).JPG

    I just mentioned 'water lens' above. I was surprised I found them so easily. Here they are and I have to tell what they are, in the order.... Aechmea gamosepala bud [blue-pink], vapour condensation in a water bottle kept in the sun, droplets on a papaya leaf stem, a drop on Jasmine branch and an intentional water lens I made from a drop bottle nozzle.. that's my MiL in the image with orange saree. These pictures are about 2 years old.
    IMG_1848 (Custom).jpg P1270582 (Large).JPG P1270699 (Large).JPG P1370232.JPG P1380101.JPG
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2015
    vitrsna, Frank and eileen like this.

  6. Cayuga Morning

    Cayuga Morning Strong Ash Plants Contributor

    Jun 15, 2011
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    New England
    Beautiful Dinu!! You truly are skilled with a camera!
  7. 2ofus

    2ofus Hardy Maple

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Idaho Mountains
    Beautiful pictures!! I like the reflections in the water drop.

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