Yesterday I put baffles on my 4x4 post for my bird houses. Even though the baffles are made for 4x4 post the baffle opening is round so there's little spaces that I think a snake could slip through. any suggestions will be appreciated. Happy New Year!
Maybe you can cut aluminum pie pans and fit them into the spaces or screen or hardware cloth. It's not an easy thing to do but it may work. dooley
Foam insulation, the kind that comes in an aerosol can. We used it in gaps between the concrete pavers lining our chicken coop, and it has worked well. The insulation won't stop mice or squirrels, but snakes can't chew through it (for obvious reasons). I hope it works for your bird houses.
I like both ideas! Thank you two very much. We had some Blue birds checking out the houses at the end of summer so I hope they come back and nest in our boxes.