Anyone got a good compost heap design ?

Discussion in 'Organic Gardening' started by i love bugs, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. i love bugs

    i love bugs The Weatherman of Craggy Island

    Dec 2, 2005
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    Dublin Ireland
    I have been experimenting with compost heaps for years, successfully I think! However I am trying to make a small unobtrusive design and am looking for new ideas . it has to be smell proof ,vermin proof. preferably easy to make . no accelarators,worms etc. As natural as possible. Anyone able to think outside the box? Big enough to take the waste from one suburban household. Thanks Bugs
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  3. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    We don't make our own any more I'm afraid Bugs as we get them really cheaply (via MIL) from the Edinburgh council. They look a bit like black daleks but certainly do their job and for only £5 each we're not complaining!!! :D
  4. EJ

    EJ Allotmenteer Extraordinaire

    Jan 10, 2006
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    On our allotment we have 2 bins muddled together from huge pallets. Words a treat there, but isn't terribly attractive for a garden. Our old wooden bin in the garden has finally had it's day and is rotting away, so I am hoping my darling can become a carpenter for the day and build me one that resembles a giant beehive, where each overlapping section is removable so make turning the heap easier. I saw one recently in a magazine I think where the wooden box style bin was painted bright pink to resemble a pig! :D
  5. i love bugs

    i love bugs The Weatherman of Craggy Island

    Dec 2, 2005
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    Dublin Ireland
    re compost bins

    Hi Eileen we have the Daleks ( love your description) here as well. A black dalek, a green dalek and now our council in their wisdom are bringing out the brown dalek. I have no problem with waste , only 11 dalaks a year for a family of five 8) 8). I also compost the waste from 15 other gardens at home using wooden pallets (6 bins) , disturbing it regularly is the key to rapid decomposition. Moisture content is important ,as is the proper mix, ie.. good layers about 6 inches deep. leaves, then grass , then household (household is the biggest part of peoples bins) Then change with old compost. It works great. What I trying to do now is make something suitable for civilians (gardenstewers are not civilians :D ) and need really origonal ideas, no matter how mad.
    My brother took one of the black daleks , cut off the lid , cut a hole in the bottom, dug a hole in the ground 12 inches deep, put the dalek in upside down and used the old lid as a new lid .It works great. Ugly as sin though. I might make him a nice imatation bee hive to cover it .Thanks EJ Bugs

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